Achillea 'Ovation'

Achillea 'Ovation'
Flower scent Normal; Unscented
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-006B
Soil fertility Not very demanding
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Structure (tissues) Herbaceous
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf division Simple
Plant, growth type Erect
Moisture requirements Well-drained

Achillea 'Ovation' is a beautiful variety of milfoil or yarrow. This perennial plant is known for its vibrant medium yellow flowers, which bloom in clusters during the summer months. While it may not have a strong fragrance, the beauty of its flowers makes up for it. The leaves of 'Ovation' are lanceolate in shape and have a foliage leaf type.

In terms of soil fertility, this variety of yarrow is not very demanding. It can thrive in well-drained soil, making it a suitable choice for a variety of garden settings. 'Ovation' prefers full sun conditions, so it is ideal for sunny areas in your garden.

The leaves of this Achillea variety are simple in division and have an herbaceous structure. This means that the plant's tissues are soft and flexible, typically found in non-woody plants. 'Ovation' has an erect growth type, meaning that its stems grow upwards, providing a neat and tidy appearance.

When it comes to moisture requirements, 'Ovation' prefers well-drained soil. It can tolerate drier conditions but may not thrive in overly moist or waterlogged environments. It is important to water this plant regularly, especially during hot and dry periods, to ensure its health and vitality.

Overall, Achillea 'Ovation' is a wonderful addition to any garden. Its beautiful yellow flowers, lanceolate leaves, and herbaceous structure make it a visually appealing plant. It is relatively low-maintenance, requiring well-drained soil and full sun conditions. With proper care, this variety of yarrow will bring vibrancy and beauty to your outdoor space.

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