Allium amethystinum 'Red Mohican'

Allium amethystinum 'Red Mohican'
Flower color Red-dark purple red-187B
Flower diameter 0 - 1 mm
Inflorescence Globose; Umbel(-like)
Inflorescence diameter 5 - 10 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Allium amethystinum 'Red Mohican', also known as the Red Mohican Onion, is a stunning flower that adds a touch of dark purple-red beauty to any garden. With a flower diameter ranging from 0 to 1 mm, these delicate yet captivating blooms are a sight to behold.

The inflorescence of Allium amethystinum 'Red Mohican' is globose or umbel-like, forming a compact and rounded cluster of flowers. The inflorescence itself has a diameter ranging from 5 to 10 cm, making it a substantial focal point in any floral arrangement or garden bed.

One of the distinctive features of this particular Allium variety is its unicolored flower color distribution. The flowers of Allium amethystinum 'Red Mohican' showcase a rich and intense red-dark purple-red hue, classified as 187B on the color spectrum. This uniform color distribution adds to the overall visual impact of the plant, creating an eye-catching display.

Aside from its stunning appearance, Allium amethystinum 'Red Mohican' is also known for its versatility. These onions can be integrated into various garden styles, including formal and informal settings. They can be an excellent addition to mixed flower borders, cottage gardens, or even container plantings.

When it comes to care and maintenance, Allium amethystinum 'Red Mohican' is relatively low-maintenance. These plants thrive in full sun to partial shade, making them suitable for a wide range of growing conditions. Well-drained soil is essential for their healthy growth, as they do not tolerate waterlogged conditions.

These onions are also known for their ability to attract pollinators, particularly bees and butterflies. Their alluring blooms, coupled with their unique color, act as a magnet for these beneficial insects, making them an asset for any pollinator-friendly garden.

Allium amethystinum 'Red Mohican' is a captivating addition to any garden due to its striking visual appeal and easy care requirements. Whether you want to add a pop of color to your flower beds or create a stunning focal point in your landscape, this onion variety is sure to impress. Consider adding Allium amethystinum 'Red Mohican' to your plant collection and enjoy its mesmerizing beauty throughout the growing season.

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