Aster (Novi-belgii Grp) Starletta mixed

Aster (Novi-belgii Grp) Starletta mixed

Aster (Novi-belgii Grp) Starletta mixed, also known as Michaelmass Daisy or Michaelmas Daisy, is a stunning flower that brings a burst of color to gardens and landscapes. With its vibrant hues and delicate petals, this flower is a favorite among gardeners and flower enthusiasts.

The Aster Starletta mixed belongs to the Novi-belgii group, which is a selection of hybrids that are known for their beautiful blooms and hardiness. These flowers are native to North America and are commonly found in meadows, prairies, and along roadsides. They are often planted in gardens due to their attractive appearance and ability to attract butterflies and other pollinators.

The Michaelmass Daisy gets its name from its blooming period, which occurs around the time of the Christian feast of the Assumption of Mary on August 15th. This is also known as Michaelmas in some Christian traditions. The flower's blooming period coincides with this celebration, hence the name Michaelmas Daisy.

The Aster Starletta mixed boasts a wide array of colors, including varied shades of purple, pink, blue, and white. These colors create a stunning display when planted in clusters or as a border in gardens. The flowers themselves are daisy-like, with a yellow center surrounded by delicate, reflexed petals. They can grow up to 2 feet tall, making them a great choice for adding height to garden beds.

One of the biggest appeals of the Aster Starletta mixed is its ability to bloom well into the late summer and early fall. While many flowers start to fade as the seasons change, this aster continues to produce vibrant blooms, adding a much-needed pop of color to the garden when other flowers are starting to wilt. This extended blooming period makes it a favorite among gardeners who are looking for late-season interest in their landscapes.

In terms of care, the Aster Starletta mixed is relatively low maintenance. It thrives in full sun or partial shade and prefers well-draining soil. These flowers are known to be fairly drought-tolerant, although regular watering will help ensure optimal growth and blooming. Deadheading spent blooms will encourage the plant to produce more flowers, prolonging its blooming period.

Overall, the Aster Starletta mixed, also known as the Michaelmass Daisy, is a beautiful and versatile flower that adds a touch of color and elegance to any garden or landscape. Its vibrant blooms and extended blooming period make it a favorite among gardeners, while its low maintenance nature makes it an easy choice for those looking to add some beauty to their outdoor spaces. Whether planted in clusters or used as a border, this aster is sure to brighten up any garden with its stunning display of colors.

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