Calibrachoa Calipetite Yellow

Calibrachoa Calipetite Yellow
Flower type Single
Winter hardness Not hardy (USDA-zone 9,10,11)
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-006C
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate; Elongate
Flower diameter 3 - 3,5 cm
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Flower length/hight 1,5 - 2 cm
Flowering month(s) May; June; July; August; September
Leaf size 2 - 3 cm
Plant, growth type Trailing; Erect
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Calibrachoa Calipetite Yellow is a stunning flower that adds a pop of color to any garden. With its vibrant yellow blooms and dark green foliage, this plant is sure to catch the eye of anyone passing by.

One of the key features of the Calibrachoa Calipetite Yellow is its single, medium yellow flowers. These beautiful blooms have a diameter of 3-3.5 cm and a length/height of 1.5-2 cm. The flower color is unicolored, meaning it is a solid and consistent shade of yellow throughout.

The plant itself has a compact and trailing growth habit, making it perfect for hanging baskets or as a ground cover. It reaches a height of 10-20 cm, which makes it suitable for smaller garden spaces or for adding a splash of color to the front of a flower bed.

While the Calibrachoa Calipetite Yellow is a stunning addition to any garden, it is important to note that it is not hardy in colder climates. It thrives in USDA zones 9, 10, and 11, where the winter temperatures are milder.

In terms of foliage, the Calibrachoa Calipetite Yellow has lanceolate and elongated leaves that are dark green in color. The main color of the leaves complements the bright yellow flowers, creating a visually pleasing combination.

This plant is known for its extended flowering period, with blooms appearing from May to September. This gives gardeners plenty of time to enjoy the colorful display and to incorporate the Calibrachoa Calipetite Yellow into their overall garden design.

The Calibrachoa Calipetite Yellow is a versatile and eye-catching plant that adds a vibrant touch to any garden. Whether used in containers, hanging baskets, or as a ground cover, its unicolored yellow flowers and dark green foliage create a stunning visual contrast. With the proper care and growing conditions, this plant will thrive and provide a beautiful display of color throughout the summer months.

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