Celosia argentea (Plumosa Grp) 'Century Geel'

Celosia argentea (Plumosa Grp) 'Century Geel'
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow orange-017B
Leaf, general shape Ovate (egg-shaped)
Inflorescence Panicle
Structure (tissues) Subshrubby/semi-shrubby
Leaf division Simple
Plant, growth type Erect

Celosia argentea, commonly known as Cockscomb or Celosia, is a popular ornamental plant that belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. It is highly valued for its stunning flowers and attractive foliage, making it a favorite choice among garden enthusiasts.

One particular variety of Celosia argentea that stands out is the 'Century Geel', also known as Yellow Century. This variety is known for its yellow to medium yellow-orange colored flowers, which add a vibrant touch to any garden or landscape. The flower heads are unique and showy, resembling a strikingly beautiful feathery plume.

The leaves of the 'Century Geel' Celosia are oval or egg-shaped, giving the plant an elegant appearance. The foliage is lush, and its texture adds depth and interest to the overall look and feel of the plant. As a subshrubby/semi-shrubby plant, the 'Century Geel' displays a compact growth habit, making it an excellent choice for container gardening or as a border plant.

One of the defining features of the 'Century Geel' Celosia is its inflorescence, which occurs in the form of panicles. These panicles are elongated clusters of flowers that rise above the foliage, creating a stunning display. The flowers are produced abundantly, adding a touch of grandeur to any garden or landscape.

The 'Century Geel' Celosia has simple leaf division, meaning the leaves are not deeply lobed or divided. This simple leaf structure further enhances the overall elegance of the plant, allowing the focus to remain on the striking flowers and foliage.

In terms of growth type, the 'Century Geel' Celosia is erect, meaning it grows in an upright manner. This growth habit makes it visually appealing when planted individually or in groups, as it creates a vertical element in the garden. Additionally, the erect growth habit allows the plant to be used as a background or focal point in garden designs.

When it comes to care, the 'Century Geel' Celosia is relatively easy to maintain. It thrives in full sun but can tolerate some shade, making it versatile for various garden conditions. Adequate watering and well-drained soil are crucial for optimal growth and blooming.

The 'Century Geel' Celosia is an excellent choice for adding vibrant color and textural interest to gardens, landscapes, or even indoor spaces. Its distinctive yellow to medium yellow-orange flowers, combined with its attractive foliage and erect growth habit, make it a stunning addition to any plant collection.

Whether used as a focal point, border plant, or container plant, the 'Century Geel' Celosia is sure to captivate attention and bring a touch of elegance to any space. With its easy care requirements and exceptional beauty, it is no wonder why this variety of Celosia argentea is highly regarded among gardeners and landscape enthusiasts.

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