Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Magna

Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Magna
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Red-dark purple red-185A
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head); Single-flowered
Leaf division Pinnatifid
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) Magna, a stunning variety of the Chrysanthemum plant, is a mesmerizing sight with its pleniflorous double flowers. These flowers are characterized by their rich and vibrant red-dark purple color, classified as 185A according to the horticultural color chart.

One remarkable feature of the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) Magna is the size of its flowers, which measure around 8.5 to 9 cm in diameter. Each flower appears on a single-flowered inflorescence known as a capitulum or head. This arrangement showcases the beauty and elegance of the individual flowers.

The leaves of the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) Magna are pinnatifid, meaning they have narrow lobes or divisions that resemble the shape of a feather. This leaf structure adds to the overall attractiveness of the plant, complementing the striking flowers.

What sets the Magna apart from other chrysanthemum varieties is its unicolored flower color distribution. Unlike some cultivars that display multiple colors or variations in their petals, the Magna blooms boast a consistent and uniform shade of red-dark purple. This characteristic provides a sense of elegance and sophistication, making it a popular choice among flower enthusiasts and gardeners.

Chrysanthemums are beloved for their long-lasting blooms and are often associated with autumn, as they typically flower during this season. However, with proper care and cultivation, the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) Magna can be enjoyed throughout the year, adding a touch of vibrancy and beauty to any garden or floral arrangement.

When cultivating the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) Magna, it is crucial to provide it with the appropriate growing conditions. This variety thrives in well-drained soil, plenty of sunlight, and adequate water. Regular maintenance and deadheading of faded flowers will encourage the plant to produce more blooms and extend its flowering period.

In conclusion, the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) Magna is a spectacular flower variety that showcases the splendor of pleniflorous double flowers. With its rich red-dark purple color, large flower size, and unicolored distribution, it captivates gardeners and flower lovers alike. Whether grown in gardens or used in floral displays, the Magna adds a touch of elegance and beauty to any setting.

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