Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Osorno

Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Osorno
Flower type Semi-double
Leaf margin Serrate
Flower color Green-light green-145D
Flower diameter 5 - 5,5 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head); Raceme
Leaf division Pinnatifid
Leaf, main color Dark green

The Chrysanthemum Indicum Grp spray Osorno is a stunning flower that is sure to catch the eye with its unique and beautiful features. This particular chrysanthemum is known for its semi-double flower type, which means it has multiple layers of petals, giving it a fuller appearance.

One noticeable characteristic of the Chrysanthemum Indicum Grp spray Osorno is its serrate leaf margin. This means that the edges of the leaves are toothed or notched, adding an interesting texture to the overall look of the plant.

Another distinctive feature of this chrysanthemum is its flower color, described as green-light green-145D. This particular shade of green adds a refreshing touch to any floral arrangement or garden. The flowers themselves have a moderate diameter, measuring between 5 to 5.5 cm, making them a perfect size for bouquets or decorative displays.

When it comes to the way the flowers are arranged, the Chrysanthemum Indicum Grp spray Osorno displays two types of inflorescence: capitulum (head) and raceme. Capitulum refers to the clustered arrangement of flowers at the top of the stem, while raceme refers to the elongated arrangement of flowers along the stem. This adds variety to the overall appearance of the plant.

The Chrysanthemum Indicum Grp spray Osorno also has pinnatifid leaf division, meaning that its leaves are deeply lobed or divided into segments that resemble feathers. This leaf structure adds an elegant and intricate touch to the plant's overall aesthetic.

The main color of the leaves is a deep green, adding a lush and vibrant look to the Chrysanthemum Indicum Grp spray Osorno. The dark green hue provides a beautiful contrast against the lighter green flowers and creates a visually pleasing composition.

Overall, the Chrysanthemum Indicum Grp spray Osorno is a captivating flower with its semi-double blooms, serrate leaves, green-light green-145D flowers, and pinnatifid leaf division. Its vibrant colors and unique features make it an excellent choice for adding beauty and elegance to any floral arrangement or garden. Whether used in a bouquet or as a standalone plant, this chrysanthemum is sure to impress with its stunning visual appeal.

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