Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Hardwell

Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) spray Hardwell
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-dark purple-061A
Flower diameter 7 - 7,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme; Capitulum (head)
Flower color distribution Marginate; Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-NN155B

Introducing the Stunning Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) Spray Hardwell

The chrysanthemum is a beloved flower that has been adored for centuries due to its vibrant colors and unique petal formations. Among the various types of chrysanthemums, the Indicum Grp has caught the attention of flower enthusiasts with its stunning appearance. Among this group, one particular variety that stands out is the breathtaking Chrysanthemum Spray Hardwell.

Characterized by its single flower type, the Chrysanthemum Spray Hardwell boasts an extraordinary color palette. Its petals showcase a mesmerizing blend of red and dark purple tones, creating a captivating visual experience. This mix of colors, known as "Red-dark purple-061A," is truly a sight to behold.

Furthermore, the flower's diameter measures between 7 and 7.5 centimeters, making it an eye-catching centerpiece in any floral arrangement. Its size is also ideal for showcasing the intricate details of each petal, allowing viewers to appreciate the flower's natural beauty up close.

When it comes to the arrangement of the flowers, the Chrysanthemum Spray Hardwell boasts an inflorescence known as a raceme; capitulum (head). This form adds depth and texture to the overall appearance, creating a remarkable display. Whether used as focal points or combined with other flowers, these chrysanthemums add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any floral composition.

Moreover, the Chrysanthemum Spray Hardwell showcases a unique flower color distribution called marginate; bicolored. The petals are adorned with a delightful white margin, further emphasizing the extraordinary blend of red and dark purple tones that dominate the flower. This color distribution adds a sense of contrast and depth to the chrysanthemum, making it an even more visually appealing choice.

As if its already captivating appearance is not enough, the Chrysanthemum Spray Hardwell surprises us with a secondary color - white-white-NN155B. This secondary color is delicately weaved into the petals, enhancing the overall floral composition and creating a harmonious balance between the dominant red-dark purple tones and the elegant white touches.

Whether used in bouquets, floral arrangements, or as standalone pieces, the Chrysanthemum Spray Hardwell is a perfect choice for those seeking a flower that exudes elegance and charm. Its striking color combination, intricate details, and unique color distribution make it a standout variety in the Indicum Grp. With these extraordinary chrysanthemums, any occasion can be elevated to new heights, leaving an everlasting impression on all who are fortunate enough to gaze upon their beauty.

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