Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Rabelo

Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Rabelo
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Red-dark purple red-187C
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Inflorescence Depressed globose; Single-flowered; Capitulum (head)
Leaf division Divided/split
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Chrysanthemums are known for their beautiful and vibrant blooms, and the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Rabelo variety is no exception. This particular variety features double or pleniflorous flowers that are a stunning red-dark purple red-187C in color. With a flower diameter of 10 to 11 cm, this Chrysanthemum variety is sure to catch the eye.

The inflorescence of the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Rabelo is depressed globose in shape, with a single-flowered capitulum or head. This unique formation adds to the overall allure and appeal of this Chrysanthemum variety.

In terms of leaf division, the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Rabelo features divided or split leaves. This characteristic adds texture and interest to the plant's appearance, making it an attractive addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

The flower color distribution of this particular Chrysanthemum variety is unicolored, meaning that the entire flower is the same rich red-dark purple hue. This consistency in color lends itself well to creating dramatic and coordinated displays, either in the garden or as cut flowers.

Whether used as a focal point in a garden bed or arranged in a bouquet, the Chrysanthemum (Indicum Grp) disbudded Rabelo is sure to make a statement with its beautiful and bold double flowers. With its unique inflorescence, divided leaves, and unicolored color distribution, this Chrysanthemum variety is a true standout. Gardening enthusiasts and flower lovers alike will appreciate the striking beauty that this variety brings to any space.

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