Cyclamen persicum midi Merita

Cyclamen persicum midi Merita
Flower color Mixed
Petal edge Entire
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Flower length/hight 4 - 4,5 cm
Plantdiameter 10 cm - 15 cm
Leaf width 4 - 5 cm
Inflorescence/Flower arrangement erect
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green; Grey green
Leaf colour, pattern Veined; Bicolored

Cyclamen persicum midi Merita, also known as Alpine Violet or Cyclamen, is a beautiful and captivating flower. With its mixed flower color, it adds an element of surprise and joy to any garden or indoor space. The flower petals have entire edges, giving them a smooth and elegant appearance.

This particular variety of Cyclamen grows to a height of 10-20 cm, making it perfect for small gardens or as a decorative plant on a table or window sill. The flowers themselves have a length of 4-4.5 cm, creating a vibrant display of color and beauty.

The plant diameter of Cyclamen persicum midi Merita ranges from 10 to 15 cm, providing a compact and charming presence in any setting. The leaves of this species are 4-5 cm wide and range in size from 5 to 7.5 cm. The main color of the leaves is a dark green, with some variations of grey-green. This contrasting color palette adds depth and interest to the overall appearance of the plant.

The leaf color also features intricate veining and a bicolored pattern, adding another layer of complexity and visual appeal to the Cyclamen. The combination of the veined and bicolored leaves creates a stunning and unique look that is sure to catch the eye of any observer.

In terms of its arrangement, the inflorescence of Cyclamen persicum midi Merita is erect, giving the flowers a proud and upright position. This arrangement emphasizes the elegance and grace of the plant, making it an ideal choice for formal gardens or as a centerpiece in a bouquet.

Overall, Cyclamen persicum midi Merita is a remarkable flower that offers a mix of colors, elegant petals, and a compact size. Its dark green and grey-green veined leaves with a bicolored pattern enhance its beauty and make it stand out in any garden or indoor space. Whether used as an accent plant or a focal point, this Cyclamen variety is sure to bring joy and beauty to its surroundings.

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