Cyclamen persicum large flowered Halios Fantasia

Cyclamen persicum large flowered Halios Fantasia
Flower color Mixed
Leaf, general shape Cordate (heart-shaped)
Petal edge Entire
Plant height 20 - 30 cm
Flower length/hight 4,5 - 5 cm
Inflorescence/Flower arrangement erect
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Bicolored; Feathered
Flower color distribution Bicolored; Marginate
Leaf, secondary color(s) Grey green

Cyclamen persicum large flowered Halios Fantasia, also known as Alpine Violet or Cyclamen, is a beautiful and vibrant flower. Its mixed flower colors create a stunning visual display that is sure to catch anyone's attention. The general shape of its leaves is cordate or heart-shaped, adding to its overall charm.

One striking feature of this flower is its entire petal edge, giving it a clean and polished look. The plant itself reaches a height of about 20 to 30 cm, making it a great option for both indoor and outdoor settings. Its compact size allows it to fit perfectly in containers or garden beds.

The flower length ranges from 4.5 to 5 cm, providing a generous size for its small stature. The flowers are arranged in an erect inflorescence, creating an organized and visually appealing display. This species of Cyclamen possesses leaves that are 7.5 to 10 cm in size, which complement the flowers beautifully.

The main color of the leaves is a dark green, providing a lush backdrop to the vibrant blooms. Additionally, the leaf color has a bicolored pattern with feathered edges, adding an interesting and unique touch to the plant's overall appearance. This distinctive feature sets it apart from other varieties of Cyclamen.

The flower color distribution of Cyclamen persicum large flowered Halios Fantasia is also bicolored. The petals exhibit a marginate pattern, with a different hue present at the edges. This creates an eye-catching contrast that enhances the overall beauty of the plant.

In addition to its dark green main color, the leaves also have secondary colors of grey-green. This subtle addition adds depth and texture to the foliage, making it even more visually appealing.

Cyclamen persicum large flowered Halios Fantasia is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a unique and visually stunning flower. Its mixed flower colors, heart-shaped leaves, and bicolored patterns create a captivating display that is sure to elevate any garden or indoor space. Whether used as a focal point or to complement other plants, this variety of Cyclamen is a true delight for any horticulture enthusiast.

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