Cyclamen persicum large flowered Latinia

Cyclamen persicum large flowered Latinia
Flower color Mixed
Leaf, general shape Cordate (heart-shaped)
Petal edge Entire
Plant height 20 - 30 cm
Flower length/hight 5 - 5,5 cm
Plantdiameter 25 cm - 30 cm
Leaf width 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Bicolored; Feathered; Veined
Leaf, secondary color(s) Grey green

Cyclamen persicum large flowered Latinia, also known as Alpine Violet or Cyclamen, is a vibrant and visually stunning plant that is sure to add color and beauty to any garden or indoor space. With its mixed flower colors and heart-shaped leaves, this plant is truly a sight to behold.

The flowers of Cyclamen persicum large flowered Latinia are the highlight of this plant. With a length or height ranging from 5 to 5.5 cm, these flowers are relatively large and eye-catching. The colors of the flowers are mixed, creating a beautiful and diverse display of hues. From pinks and purples to whites and reds, the flowers of this plant offer a range of colors to suit any preference or style.

In addition to its beautiful flowers, Cyclamen persicum large flowered Latinia can also impress with its foliage. The leaves of this plant have a general shape that is cordate, or heart-shaped, adding a lovely touch to its overall appearance. The leaf width ranges from 5 to 7.5 cm, while the leaf size can reach up to 10 cm in length. The main color of the leaves is a deep, dark green, giving them a lush and healthy look.

What makes the foliage of Cyclamen persicum large flowered Latinia even more interesting is its color pattern. The leaves are bicolored, meaning they have two different colors on them. Additionally, the leaves have feathered and veined patterns, adding texture and depth to their appearance. The secondary color of the leaves is a grey green, which further enhances their unique and captivating appeal.

In terms of size, this plant has a plant diameter that ranges from 25 to 30 cm, making it a relatively compact and manageable plant. With a height of 20 to 30 cm, this plant is also a great choice for those looking to add a touch of beauty to smaller spaces or even to decorate their office desks.

Cyclamen persicum large flowered Latinia is a plant that offers both visual appeal and ease of care. It is a relatively low maintenance plant that thrives in well-drained soil and prefers moderate sunlight. This makes it a versatile plant that can be grown indoors or outdoors, depending on the preference of the gardener.

Whether you are a seasoned gardener looking to add a pop of color to your garden or a plant enthusiast in search of a beautiful houseplant, Cyclamen persicum large flowered Latinia is a great choice. With its mixed flower colors, heart-shaped leaves, and unique foliage patterns, this plant is sure to bring joy and beauty to any space it occupies.

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