Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of Desert Topaz'

Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of Desert Topaz'
Leaf arrangement crosswise opposite
Leaf margin Entire
Flower scent Unscented
Winter hardness Good (USDA-zone 5, 6)
Flower color Yellow-dark yellow orange-022A
Soil fertility No special demands
Leaf, general shape Acicular
Flower diameter 2,5 - 3 cm
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Flowering month(s) May; June; July; August; September
Structure (tissues) Succulent
Plantdiameter 20 cm - 25 cm
Leaf width 0 - 1 cm
Leaf surface Dull
Leaf size 3 - 4 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Plant, growth type Trailing
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Dry
Soil type Humus rich; Peaty; Clayish; Sandy clay; Sandy

Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of Desert Topaz' is a stunning succulent plant that can add a vibrant burst of color to any garden or landscape. With its compact size and trailing growth habit, it is perfect for rock gardens, borders, or hanging baskets.

One of the standout features of this plant is its beautiful flowers. The 'Jewel of Desert Topaz' variety produces small, single-flowered inflorescences with a diameter of 2.5 to 3 cm. The flowers are a striking yellow-dark yellow orange color, creating a bold contrast against the dark green foliage. They bloom from May to September, adding a pop of color to your garden throughout the summer months.

In addition to its eye-catching blooms, Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of Desert Topaz' also has attractive acicular-shaped leaves. The leaves are arranged in a crosswise opposite pattern and have a dull surface. They are relatively small, measuring 3 to 4 cm in size, with a width of 0 to 1 cm.

One of the benefits of this plant is its adaptability to various soil types. It does not have any special soil fertility requirements and can thrive in humus-rich, peaty, clayish, sandy clay, or sandy soils. However, it prefers well-draining soil to prevent root rot, as it is a succulent plant.

Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of Desert Topaz' is a hardy plant, with good winter hardiness in USDA zones 5 and 6. It can tolerate cold temperatures and is capable of surviving freezing conditions. This makes it an excellent choice for gardeners in colder climates who want to enjoy the beauty of succulent plants.

One notable characteristic of this variety is its unscented flowers. While some flowers have a pleasant fragrance, the 'Jewel of Desert Topaz' does not contribute to any scents in the garden. This can be appealing for those who prefer a fragrance-free outdoor environment.

In terms of growth, this plant has a trailing growth habit and can reach a height of 5 to 10 cm. The overall diameter of the plant typically ranges from 20 to 25 cm. This compact size makes it easy to incorporate into various garden designs and allows for flexibility in placement.

Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of Desert Topaz' thrives in sunny conditions and requires minimal moisture. It prefers dry conditions, making it suitable for low-water or xeriscape gardens. Its succulent nature allows it to store water in its leaves, making it more drought-tolerant than other plants.

Overall, Delosperma cooperi 'Jewel of Desert Topaz' is a stunning succulent that brings beauty and color to any garden. With its vibrant yellow-dark yellow orange flowers, compact size, and ability to thrive in various soil types, it is a versatile plant that can be enjoyed by both experienced and novice gardeners.

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