Delosperma Ice Cream Orange

Delosperma Ice Cream Orange
Leaf arrangement crosswise opposite
Leaf margin Entire
Flower scent Unscented
Winter hardness Limited (USDA-zone 8)
Flower color Orange-medium orange-026A
Leaf, general shape Acicular
Flower diameter 1,5 - 2 cm
Plant height 5 - 10 cm; 10 - 20 cm
Inflorescence Multi-flowered
Flowering month(s) May; June; July; August; September
Structure (tissues) Succulent
Plantdiameter 20 cm - 25 cm
Leaf width 0 - 1 cm
Leaf size 2 - 3 cm
Plant, growth type Trailing
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored
Flower color distribution Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) Pink-medium purple red-N057C

Introducing Delosperma Ice Cream Orange: A Vibrant Addition to Your Garden

If you're looking for a stunning and low-maintenance addition to your garden, look no further than Delosperma Ice Cream Orange. This beautiful succulent boasts a range of unique characteristics that make it a standout among other plants.

One of the first things you'll notice about Delosperma Ice Cream Orange is its leaf arrangement. The leaves are crosswise opposite, giving the plant a symmetrical and visually appealing look. With an acicular shape and a dark green color, the leaves create a striking contrast against the vibrant orange flowers.

Speaking of flowers, Delosperma Ice Cream Orange produces multi-flowered inflorescences that bloom from May to September. The flowers have a diameter of 1.5 to 2 cm and feature a bicolored distribution. The primary color is a medium orange shade (026A), while the secondary hue adds a touch of pinkish-purple (N057C) to the mix. The result is a captivating display that is sure to catch the eye of any passerby.

One of the advantages of Delosperma Ice Cream Orange is its compact size. The plant reaches a height of 5 to 20 cm, making it perfect for garden borders or rock gardens. Its trailing growth type allows it to cascade over the edges of pots or hanging baskets, adding an interesting element to your outdoor space.

In terms of care, Delosperma Ice Cream Orange is relatively easy to maintain. It is incredibly winter-hardy, able to withstand temperatures down to USDA-zone 8. Its succulent tissue structure enables it to retain water, making it drought-tolerant and perfect for those who may forget to water their plants regularly.

With a plant diameter ranging from 20 to 25 cm, Delosperma Ice Cream Orange is not only visually appealing but also fills out its allotted space nicely. The plant's leaves are narrow, measuring 0 to 1 cm in width and 2 to 3 cm in size. The entire leaf margins give the plant a clean and streamlined appearance.

One of the pleasant surprises of Delosperma Ice Cream Orange is that it is unscented, making it ideal for those who may suffer from allergies or simply prefer a fragrance-free garden. This characteristic allows you to enjoy the stunning visual display of the flowers without being overwhelmed by strong scents.

All in all, Delosperma Ice Cream Orange is a captivating addition to any garden. Its vibrant orange flowers, contrasting dark green foliage, and unique characteristics make it an eye-catching element in both small and large outdoor spaces. With low maintenance requirements and the ability to thrive in various climates, it's no wonder this succulent is becoming increasingly popular amongst garden enthusiasts.

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