Delphinium (Elatum Grp) double flowered Delphi's Starlight

Delphinium (Elatum Grp) double flowered Delphi's Starlight
Flower type Semi-double
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Blue-medium blue-104C
Soil fertility No poor soils
Flower length/hight 7,5 - 8 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Purple-medium blue violet-085A

Delphinium (Elatum Grp), commonly known as Larkspur or Delphinium, is a stunning flowering plant that belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. One particular variety of Delphinium is the double-flowered Delphi's Starlight, which showcases an exquisite combination of beauty and elegance.

The semi-double flowers of Delphi's Starlight are visually striking, captivating anyone who beholds them. Unlike some flowers prized for their alluring fragrance, these blooms are unscented, focusing solely on their visual appeal. The flower color is a mesmerizing blue, specifically categorized as medium blue-104C on the color spectrum.

Delphiniums are known to be demanding when it comes to soil fertility. They thrive best in well-drained soils and cannot tolerate poor soils. It is essential to provide them with adequate nutrition to ensure healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

The flowers of Delphi's Starlight are not only visually stunning, but they also boast an impressive length and height. This particular variety exhibits flowers that measure approximately 7.5 to 8 cm, making them a prominent feature in any garden or floral arrangement.

Delphiniums typically bloom in raceme inflorescences, forming a cluster of flowers along a central stem. The arrangement of these flowers adds dimension and depth to the overall aesthetic, creating a captivating display.

The leaves of the Delphi's Starlight variety are sized between 10 to 15 cm, providing a beautifully balanced contrast to the remarkable flowers. The lush green foliage complements the vibrant blue hue of the blooms, creating a harmonious color palette.

The color distribution of Delphi's Starlight flowers is predominantly unicolored, showcasing the mesmerizing medium blue shade. However, upon closer inspection, there may be traces of a secondary color present. In the case of Delphi's Starlight, this secondary color is a purple-medium blue violet-085A, further enhancing the visual interest and complexity of the flower.

Delphiniums, including the double-flowered Delphi's Starlight, are highly sought after for their ornamental appeal. They make an excellent addition to garden beds, borders, or even as cut flowers in floral arrangements. Their vibrant colors and unique flower structure add a touch of elegance to any setting.

To ensure optimal growth and blooming, Delphiniums require adequate sunlight exposure and regular watering. Deadheading spent flowers can also encourage continuous blooming.

In conclusion, Delphinium (Elatum Grp) double-flowered Delphi's Starlight is a remarkable variety of Larkspur or Delphinium. With its semi-double, unscented blooms in a captivating blue shade, this flower is a true showstopper. Its preference for fertile soil, impressive size, raceme inflorescence, and complementing foliage make it a stunning addition to any garden or floral arrangement. Whether enjoyed as a focal point or mixed with other blooms, Delphi's Starlight is sure to add a touch of enchantment to any setting.

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