Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) Dewi Purple Smile

Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) Dewi Purple Smile
Flower type Semi-double
Flower color Purple-dark blue violet-090A; Blue-medium violet blue-N095C
Soil fertility No poor soils
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Inflorescence length 50 - 75 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Multi-colored; With trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Black

Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) Dewi Purple Smile is a stunning Larkspur variety that boasts semi-double flowers in beautiful shades of purple, dark blue violet, and medium violet blue. With its vibrant color combination, this plant is sure to add a striking pop of color to any garden or floral arrangement.

One of the key features of Dewi Purple Smile is its preference for fertile soil. It thrives in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil, making it a great addition to gardens with good soil fertility. While it can tolerate a variety of soil types, it is best to avoid poor soils that do not provide adequate nutrition for the plant's growth and development.

The flower diameter of Dewi Purple Smile ranges from 6 to 6.5 cm, making each individual flower a substantial size. The flowers are arranged in raceme inflorescences, which means they are grouped together on a central stem in a long and slender formation. The inflorescence length can reach anywhere between 50 to 75 cm, creating an impressive visual display when the plant is in full bloom.

The leaves of Dewi Purple Smile are a dark green hue, providing a beautiful contrast to the vibrant flower colors. This dark green color serves as the main color of the plant's foliage, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the plant even when it is not in bloom.

In terms of flower color distribution, Dewi Purple Smile exhibits a multi-colored pattern with the addition of traces of other colors. This adds an interesting and unique element to the overall appearance of the flowers, making them even more captivating.

As a secondary color, Dewi Purple Smile also features black accents. These black hues provide depth and dimension to the flowers, creating a visually striking contrast against the vibrant purple and violet shades.

Overall, Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) Dewi Purple Smile is an enchanting Larkspur variety that will undoubtedly capture the attention of any observer. With its semi-double flowers in shades of purple, dark blue violet, and medium violet blue, and its preference for fertile soil, this plant is a must-have for any garden enthusiast or flower lover. Its dark green leaves, raceme inflorescences, and multi-colored flower pattern with traces of black accentuate its beauty and make it a truly remarkable addition to any space.

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