Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) Dev Purple Heart

Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) Dev Purple Heart
Flower type Semi-double
Flower color Purple-dark blue violet-N088A
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Inflorescence length 50 - 75 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace

Delphinium double flowered, also known as Larkspur, is a stunning perennial plant that belongs to the Elatum Group. One of its most alluring varieties is the Dev Purple Heart. With semi-double flowers in a mesmerizing shade of purple-dark blue violet (N088A), this Delphinium is sure to grab attention in any garden or floral arrangement.

The flower diameter of the Dev Purple Heart is around 6 to 6.5 cm, making it a substantial and eye-catching bloom. These beautiful flowers are arranged in raceme inflorescences, with each inflorescence measuring between 50 to 75 cm in length. The combination of the tall stems and the large inflorescences creates a striking vertical presence in the garden.

The leaves of the Delphinium double flowered are primarily dark green, providing a lush backdrop for the vibrant purple-dark blue violet flowers. What sets this variety apart is its unicolored flower color distribution, with a subtle trace of white. The result is a visually appealing contrast that adds depth and dimension to the overall appearance of the plant.

In terms of maturity group, the Dev Purple Heart falls into the late category. This means that its flowering season typically occurs towards the end of the summer, extending into early fall. The late flowering period allows for a longer blooming season, ensuring that the garden remains vibrant and colorful even as other plants begin to fade.

One of the notable characteristics of the Dev Purple Heart is its tall stem length, which provides stability and allows the flowers to stand tall and proud. The stems of this Delphinium variety are also strong, minimizing the risk of flopping or breaking under the weight of the flowers. This strength is particularly desirable in windy or exposed locations.

Delphinium double flowered thrives in habitats with ample sunlight, although it can tolerate partial shade. It prefers well-drained soil that is slightly alkaline in nature. Adequate drainage is essential to prevent waterlogging and potential root rot. This beautiful perennial has a moderate growth rate, ensuring that it establishes itself steadily without becoming invasive.

The Dev Purple Heart is known for its adaptability and hardiness, able to withstand harsh winters. It is suitable for hardiness zones 3 to 8, making it a popular choice for gardeners across a wide range of climates. With proper care and maintenance, this Delphinium variety can bring years of joy and beauty to any garden.

Whether planted as a focal point in a flowerbed or used as cut flowers in stunning floral arrangements, Delphinium double flowered, particularly the Dev Purple Heart variety, is a true showstopper. Its combination of vibrant color, semi-double flowers, and strong stature make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance and drama to their outdoor or indoor space.

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