Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) 'Dewi Morning Blue'

Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) 'Dewi Morning Blue'
Flower type Slightly doubled
Flower color Blue-medium blue-100C
Soil fertility No poor soils
Flower diameter 7 - 7,5 cm
Flower length/hight 4 - 4,5 cm
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Leaf division Digitate-lobed
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Bicolored; With trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Purple-light violet-076B; Brown-dark brown-200A

Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) 'Dewi Morning Blue' is a stunning variety of larkspur or delphinium that is sure to catch the eye of any garden enthusiast. With its slightly doubled flower type, it adds an element of uniqueness to any flower arrangement or garden bed.

The flowers feature a beautiful medium blue color, adding a touch of serenity and tranquility to any outdoor space. The color is described as 100C on the color chart, which denotes a medium blue hue.

When it comes to soil fertility, this particular variety of delphinium does not thrive well in poor soils. It requires nutritious and well-draining soil to ensure healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

The flower diameter of 'Dewi Morning Blue' measures around 7 to 7.5 cm, making it a sizable and eye-catching flower. The flower length or height is around 4 to 4.5 cm, providing a balanced and symmetrical appearance.

The leaves of this delphinium variety are digitate-lobed in shape, meaning that the lobes of the leaf radiate from a common point, resembling the fingers of a hand. The leaf size ranges from 10 to 15 cm, adding a lush and full appearance to the plant.

The main color of the leaves is a rich dark green, providing a beautiful contrast to the vibrant blue flowers. The deep green hue adds depth and texture to the overall appearance of the plant.

The flower color distribution of 'Dewi Morning Blue' is bicolored, meaning that the petals display two distinct colors. Additionally, there is a trace of another color present. The primary color is the medium blue mentioned earlier, while the secondary colors are described as purple-light violet (076B) and brown-dark brown (200A).

This unique combination of colors gives 'Dewi Morning Blue' a multi-dimensional and visually captivating appeal. It adds depth and interest to any flower arrangement or garden bed, making it a popular choice among garden enthusiasts.

In conclusion, Delphinium double flowered (Elatum Grp) 'Dewi Morning Blue' is a show-stopping variety of larkspur or delphinium. With its slightly doubled flowers, medium blue hue, and bicolored petals with trace, it adds a touch of elegance and charm to any garden. Its preference for fertile soils and its striking leaf design further enhance its visual appeal. If you're looking to create a captivating and unique floral display, 'Dewi Morning Blue' is an excellent choice to consider.

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