Dianthus Flutterburst

Dianthus Flutterburst
Flower type Single
Flower scent Unscented
Winter hardness Good (USDA-zone 5, 6); Reasonable (USDA-zone 7)
Flower color Red-dark purple red-059B; Red-dark purple-061A
Petal edge Serrate
Flower diameter 3 - 3,5 cm
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Flower length/hight 2,5 - 3 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Flowering month(s) April; May; June; July; August; September
Plantdiameter 25 cm - 30 cm
Leaf size 3 - 4 cm
Flower color distribution Marginate; Multi-colored
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-NN155C

Introducing Dianthus Flutterburst: The Perfect Carnation for Your Garden

Are you looking to add a touch of elegance and beauty to your garden? Look no further than Dianthus Flutterburst, a stunning Carnation variety that will surely make heads turn. With its single bloom type and unscented flowers, this plant will provide a visual delight without overpowering your senses.

One of the outstanding features of Dianthus Flutterburst is its excellent winter hardness. It thrives in USDA Zones 5 and 6, making it a reliable choice for gardeners in these regions. Even in USDA Zone 7, where winters can be moderate, Dianthus Flutterburst still shines reasonably well.

When it comes to color, this Carnation boasts a captivating red-dark purple hue. With a petal edge that is serrated, it adds an enchanting texture to the overall appearance of the flower. The flower diameter ranges from 3 to 3.5 cm, while the plant height typically reaches between 10 and 20 cm.

The flower length and height of Dianthus Flutterburst are approximately 2.5 to 3 cm, creating a visually pleasing inflorescence in the form of a raceme. This means that multiple flowers bloom on a single stem, allowing for an extended period of beauty in your garden.

Not only does Dianthus Flutterburst offer an extended flowering season, but it also blooms during multiple months. From April through September, your garden will be adorned with its vibrant presence, bringing color and life to your outdoor space.

In terms of plant size, Dianthus Flutterburst has a diameter ranging from 25 to 30 cm, making it suitable for containers or as a border plant. Its compact nature allows for easy placement in various areas of your garden, without overwhelming the surrounding plants.

The leaves of Dianthus Flutterburst are 3 to 4 cm in size, providing a lovely backdrop to the striking flowers. The flower color distribution is marginate, meaning the petals have a defined border, adding depth to the overall appearance. Additionally, the flowers are multi-colored, creating a captivating display that is hard to resist.

While the primary color of Dianthus Flutterburst is the stunning red-dark purple, it also features white as a secondary color. This combination of colors adds a touch of contrast and sophistication to the overall flower appearance. With the white petals delicately blending with the vibrant red-dark purple, it creates a harmonious and eye-catching display.

In conclusion, Dianthus Flutterburst is truly a showstopper in the world of Carnations. With its single flower type, unscented blooms, and excellent winter hardness, it is a reliable and stunning addition to any garden. Its vibrant red-dark purple color, serrated petal edges, and compact size make it a must-have for those who seek elegance and beauty in their outdoor space. Don't miss out on the opportunity to bring the mesmerizing Dianthus Flutterburst into your garden and elevate its aesthetics to new heights.

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