Dianthus Diantica Cremarena

Dianthus Diantica Cremarena
Flower type Single
Flower scent Unscented
Winter hardness Reasonable (USDA-zone 7)
Flower color Pink-medium purple-N074A; White-white-NN155D
Petal edge Entire
Flower diameter 2,5 - 3 cm
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Flower length/hight 2 - 2,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Flowering month(s) June; July; August
Plantdiameter 15 cm - 20 cm
Leaf size 4 - 5 cm
Leaf, main color Grey green
Flower color distribution Feathered; Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) Red-dark purple red-060A

Introducing the Dianthus Diantica Cremarena: A Delicate Beauty

The Dianthus Diantica Cremarena, also known as Carnation, is a stunning flower that captivates with its beauty. Despite being unscented, this flower compensates with its charming appearance, making it an excellent addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

One of the notable features of the Dianthus Diantica Cremarena is its winter hardness. It can withstand reasonable cold temperatures, making it suitable for USDA-zone 7. This resilience ensures that the flower can thrive even in harsh weather conditions.

When it comes to colors, the Dianthus Diantica Cremarena offers two distinct options. The first is a captivating pink-medium purple that adds a touch of vibrancy to any space. The second option is a classic white, exuding elegance and purity. Both color variations are equally mesmerizing and can be combined to create a captivating display.

The petals of the Dianthus Diantica Cremarena have smooth edges, creating a harmonious and balanced look. With a diameter ranging from 2.5 to 3 cm, the flowers are delicate yet noticeable, drawing attention with their intricate details.

In terms of size, the Dianthus Diantica Cremarena is a petite plant, reaching a height of 10 to 20 cm. The flowers themselves have a length of approximately 2 to 2.5 cm, adding a touch of delicate charm to the overall appearance. The inflorescence takes the form of a raceme, showcasing multiple blooms in a symmetrical and eye-catching arrangement.

The Dianthus Diantica Cremarena blooms in the warm months of June, July, and August, bringing a burst of color and life to any garden during the summer season. Its extended flowering period ensures that it remains a focal point throughout the warmer months, attracting pollinators and admirers alike.

With a plant diameter ranging from 15 to 20 cm, the Dianthus Diantica Cremarena is versatile and adaptable, fitting perfectly in both small and large garden spaces. The leaves measure approximately 4 to 5 cm in size and boast a distinctive grey-green hue, complementing the flower's colors flawlessly.

One of the standout features of the Dianthus Diantica Cremarena is its unique flower color distribution. The petals exhibit feathered and bicolored patterns, adding a captivating twist to its overall appearance. The secondary color, a deep and captivating red-dark purple, enhances the flower's allure, creating a breathtaking visual display.

In conclusion, the Dianthus Diantica Cremarena, also known as the Carnation, is a delicate beauty that brings joy and elegance to any garden or floral arrangement. Its vibrant colors, graceful petals, and unique features make it a truly remarkable flower that deserves to be admired. Whether grown in a garden or used in floral designs, the Dianthus Diantica Cremarena is sure to captivate all who encounter it.

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