Dianthus barbatus Trigreen XL

Dianthus barbatus Trigreen XL
Leaf margin Entire
Flower color Green-medium green-144A; Green-light green-144C
Inflorescence Hemispherical
Leaf width 3 - 4 cm
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Inflorescence diameter 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Dianthus barbatus Trigreen XL, also known as Sweet William or Carnation, is a plant that offers a striking display of color and texture. With its unique characteristics, this Dianthus cultivar is a standout in any garden or floral arrangement.

One notable feature of Dianthus barbatus Trigreen XL is its entire leaf margin. Unlike some other varieties of Dianthus, which may have serrated or toothed edges, the leaves of Trigreen XL have smooth edges, giving them a clean and sleek appearance.

The flower color of this cultivar is a captivating shade of green, ranging from a medium green (144A) to a light green (144C). This variation adds depth and dimension to the overall appearance of the plant, making it an eye-catching addition to any landscape.

The inflorescence of Dianthus barbatus Trigreen XL is hemispherical in shape, creating a tight cluster of flowers that opens gradually over time. This unique inflorescence structure adds volume and creates a visually pleasing focal point in the garden.

Both the leaf width and leaf size of Trigreen XL are relatively compact, with the leaves measuring 3-4 cm wide and 10-15 cm in length. This compactness makes it an ideal choice for smaller gardens or containers, as it doesn't take up much space while still providing a significant visual impact.

The inflorescence diameter of Dianthus barbatus Trigreen XL is also compact, measuring 10-15 cm in width. This size makes it a versatile choice for various floral arrangements, as it can be used as a focal point or mixed with other flowers to create a harmonious composition.

The main color of Trigreen XL's leaves is a dark green, providing a vibrant backdrop for the contrasting green flower color. This dark green hue adds depth and richness to the overall appearance of the plant, enhancing its visual appeal.

The leaf color pattern is unicolored, meaning the leaves have a consistent shade of dark green throughout without any variegation or markings. This uniformity adds a sense of elegance and simplicity to the plant's overall aesthetic, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer a clean and understated look.

Finally, the flower color distribution of Dianthus barbatus Trigreen XL is unicolored, matching the leaf color pattern. This consistency creates a cohesive and harmonious display, as both the leaves and flowers of the plant share the same shade of green.

In conclusion, Dianthus barbatus Trigreen XL is a unique and visually striking cultivar. With its entire leaf margin, captivating green flower color, hemispherical inflorescence, and compact size, it is a plant that stands out in any garden or floral arrangement. Its dark green leaves, unicolored pattern, and consistent flower color distribution add elegance and simplicity to its overall appearance. Whether used as a focal point or a complement to other flowers, Trigreen XL is sure to add beauty and charm to any landscape.

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