Dianthus barbatus 'Barberatus Fancy White'

Dianthus barbatus 'Barberatus Fancy White'
Flower type Single
Flower color White-white-NN155D; Red-dark purple red-187D
Petal edge Dentate; Erose
Flower diameter 2 - 2,5 cm
Flower length/hight 1,5 - 2 cm
Inflorescence Corymb
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Bicolored; With Eye; Margin

The Dianthus barbatus 'Barberatus Fancy White' is a stunning flowering plant that belongs to the family of Dianthus. Commonly known as Sweet William or Carnation, this plant is a favorite among garden enthusiasts for its beautiful flowers and vibrant colors.

The flowers of the 'Barberatus Fancy White' variety are single in type and are characterized by their white color. The petals display a unique color distribution, with the center of the flower being a deep purple-red shade, while the outer edges are a pure white hue. This bicolored effect creates a visually striking contrast that is sure to catch the eye.

The petals of this Sweet William variety have a dentate and erose edge, giving them a distinct texture. With a diameter of 2 to 2.5 centimeters, the flowers are relatively small but still make a big impact in any garden. They are also relatively short, with a height of around 1.5 to 2 centimeters.

When in full bloom, the 'Barberatus Fancy White' displays its flowers in a corymb inflorescence, creating a beautiful cluster of blossoms on top of the plant. This adds to the overall aesthetic appeal of the plant and makes it a fantastic addition to flower beds, borders, or containers.

The foliage of the 'Barberatus Fancy White' is a rich, dark green color which serves as a perfect backdrop for the striking white and dark red flowers. The combination of the vibrant flowers and the deep green leaves creates a visually pleasing contrast that enhances the overall beauty of the plant.

With its unique flower color distribution, dentate and erose petal edges, and attractive corymb inflorescence, the Dianthus barbatus 'Barberatus Fancy White' is a captivating plant that will add elegance and charm to any garden. Whether planted in flower beds or displayed in containers, this Sweet William variety is sure to become a showstopper with its beautiful bicolored blooms.

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