Dianthus standard 'Zaklina'

Dianthus standard 'Zaklina'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Pink-light blue pink-069A; Purple-dark purple-N079C
Petal edge Sinuate; Dentate
Flower diameter 6,5 - 7 cm
Flower length/hight 4,5 - 5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Green grey
Flower color distribution Marginate; Feathered; With trace; Bicolored

The Dianthus standard 'Zaklina' is a beautiful carnation variety that is sure to catch the eye with its stunning flower display. This particular cultivar boasts a double, or pleniflorous, flower type, meaning it has an abundance of petals that create a full and luscious appearance.

The flower color of Dianthus standard 'Zaklina' varies between a pink-light blue pink shade, coded as 069A, and a purple-dark purple hue, coded as N079C. This color variation adds depth and visual interest to the blooms, making them even more captivating.

One of the distinguishing features of this carnation variety is its petal edge, which is described as sinuate and dentate. This means that the edges of the petals are wavy and have small indentations, adding texture and detail to the flower.

In terms of size, the flowers of Dianthus standard 'Zaklina' have a diameter of 6.5 to 7 cm. Additionally, they have a length or height of 4.5 to 5 cm, giving them a compact and charming appearance.

The inflorescence of Dianthus standard 'Zaklina' is single-flowered, meaning each stem produces one beautiful bloom. This makes it easier to appreciate the uniqueness and intricate details of each individual flower.

The main color of the leaves of this carnation cultivar is a subtle green-grey shade, providing a nice contrast to the vibrant flower colors. This adds to the overall visual appeal of the plant when the flowers are in bloom.

When it comes to flower color distribution, Dianthus standard 'Zaklina' showcases a range of patterns. The petals of this variety can have marginate edges, feathered patterns, or traces of color. Additionally, the flowers are often bicolored, meaning they have more than one color on the petals, creating a visually striking and dynamic display.

In conclusion, Dianthus standard 'Zaklina' is a captivating carnation variety with a pleniflorous flower type. Its pink-light blue pink and purple-dark purple color variation, along with sinuate and dentate petal edges, add beauty and charm to these flowers. With a compact size, single-flowered inflorescence, and green-grey leaves, this variety is a stunning addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

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