Dianthus standard 'Jolie White Std'

Dianthus standard 'Jolie White Std'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color White-white-NN155D
Flower diameter 7 - 7,5 cm
Flower length/hight 4 - 4,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Green grey
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Dianthus standard 'Jolie White Std' is a beautiful variety of carnation that is known for its stunning white-white flowers. This particular cultivar produces double (pleniflorous) flowers, which means that each blossom is filled with multiple layers of delicate petals.

The flowers of 'Jolie White Std' are relatively large, with a diameter ranging from 7 to 7.5 cm. They also have a moderate length and height, measuring around 4 to 4.5 cm. As a result, these carnations make an impressive statement in any floral arrangement or garden bed.

One notable feature of this Dianthus variety is its inflorescence, which is single-flowered. This means that each stem produces one large and majestic blossom, adding elegance and beauty to any setting. Moreover, the petals of 'Jolie White Std' are perfectly arranged in a uniform manner, giving the flowers a harmonious and balanced appearance.

In terms of the foliage, the main color of the leaves is a soft and attractive green-grey shade. This subtle hue provides an excellent backdrop to showcase the vibrant white flowers. The combination of the green-grey leaves and the white blossoms creates a visually appealing contrast, making 'Jolie White Std' an eye-catching addition to any garden or floral display.

The flower color distribution of 'Jolie White Std' is classified as unicolored, which means that the entire flower is uniformly white. This consistency in color adds to the overall sophistication and purity of the blooms. Whether used as a focal point in a bouquet or as a border plant, these white carnations are sure to create a sense of grace and charm.

Aside from its aesthetic appeal, Dianthus standard 'Jolie White Std' is also prized for its long-lasting nature. These carnations have a relatively lengthy vase life, making them a popular choice for cut flower arrangements. Their durability and resilience mean that they can continue to grace your home with their beauty for an extended period.

In conclusion, Dianthus standard 'Jolie White Std' is a stunning cultivar that showcases the beauty and elegance of white-white carnations. With its large double flowers, single inflorescence, and unicolored distribution, this variety is a true showstopper. The contrast between the green-grey foliage and the pristine white blossoms adds to its allure, making it a versatile choice for various floral arrangements and landscaping designs. Whether used indoors or outdoors, 'Jolie White Std' is sure to bring a touch of purity and sophistication to any setting.

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