Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet

Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet
Flower type Single
Flower color Pink-medium blue pink-055B
Petal edge Erose; Serrate
Flower diameter 2 - 2,5 cm
Flower length/hight 2 - 2,5 cm
Inflorescence Corymb
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Marginate; Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-NN155C

Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet is a stunning flower that belongs to the carnation family. Known by various names such as dianthus, sweet william, and carnation, this particular variety of dianthus is renowned for its elegant appearance and delightful fragrance.

The flower type of Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet is single, meaning it consists of a single layer of petals. The beautiful petals are a medium blue-pink shade, known as pink-medium blue pink-055B. The edges of the petals are erose and serrate, giving them a unique and intricate appearance.

When fully bloomed, the flowers of Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet have a diameter of 2 to 2.5 cm, making them visually striking despite their petite size. The flower length and height are also within the same range, adding to the overall compact and charming appearance of this flower variety.

The inflorescence of Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet is corymb, which means that the flowers are arranged in a flat-topped cluster, with the central flowers opening first and the outermost ones opening last. This arrangement adds depth and dimension to the overall look of the plant.

The main color of the leaves of Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet is a rich, dark green, providing a beautiful contrast to the vibrant pink-blue flowers. The flower color distribution is marginate, meaning that the edge of the petals is a different color from the rest of the petals. In this case, the petals are bordered with a white hue, creating a captivating and eye-catching effect.

In addition to its primary color, the flowers of Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet also have secondary color(s), which are white. These white accents add a touch of purity and grace to the overall appearance of the flowers. The specific white shade is referred to as white-white-NN155C.

Overall, Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet is a remarkable flower variety that combines vibrant pink-blue petals with intricate edges and contrasting white accents. Its compact size and delightful fragrance make it a popular choice for gardens, bouquets, and floral arrangements. Whether used as a standalone flower or combined with other varieties, Dianthus barbatus Kiwi Polka Ballet adds a touch of elegance and beauty to any setting.

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