Dianthus standard 'Lady Kiss Marrone'

Dianthus standard 'Lady Kiss Marrone'
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color White-light yellow orange-158C
Flower diameter 8 - 8,5 cm
Flower length/hight 5 - 5,5 cm
Inflorescence Single-flowered
Leaf, main color Green grey
Flower color distribution Marginate; Bicolored

The Dianthus standard 'Lady Kiss Marrone' is a stunning variety of carnation that captivates with its unique features. With its double (pleniflorous) flowers, this Dianthus stands out among other varieties in the garden. The flower color is a mesmerizing combination of white, light yellow, and orange, specifically categorized as 158C on the color scale.

Measuring between 8 and 8.5 centimeters in diameter, the flowers of 'Lady Kiss Marrone' make a bold statement. The length or height of these flowers ranges from 5 to 5.5 centimeters, giving them a compact and charming appearance. The inflorescence of this Dianthus standard is single-flowered, allowing each bloom to take center stage and showcase its beauty.

While the flowers steal the show, the leaves of the 'Lady Kiss Marrone' are also worth noting. The main color of the leaves is a lovely shade of green grey, providing an attractive backdrop to the vibrant flowers. This color combination creates an elegant contrast and adds to the overall visual appeal of the plant.

One of the distinctive characteristics of this Dianthus variety is its flower color distribution. The flowers are marginate, meaning that the color is concentrated towards the edges or margins of the petals. Additionally, they are bicolored, showcasing both the light yellow and orange hues in a harmonious blend. This unique distribution of color adds depth and interest to the flowers, making them stand out even more.

The 'Lady Kiss Marrone' Dianthus standard is a delightful addition to any garden or floral arrangement. Its double flowers with their captivating coloration and appealing size are sure to catch the eye of anyone who sees them. The green grey leaves provide a beautiful backdrop, enhancing the overall visual impact of the plant.

Whether used as a centerpiece, in a bouquet, or simply displayed in a garden, this Dianthus variety is sure to bring joy and beauty to any space. Its marginate and bicolored flowers make it a unique and sought-after choice among carnation enthusiasts. Consider adding the Dianthus standard 'Lady Kiss Marrone' to your collection and enjoy the splendor it brings.

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