Dianthus 'Symply Fans'

Dianthus 'Symply Fans'
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-dark red-042A; Yellow-light yellow-008C
Flower diameter 4,5 - 5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Green grey
Flower color distribution Striate; Marginate; Bicolored

Introducing Dianthus 'Symply Fans': A Vibrant Blend of Colors and Patterns

Dianthus, commonly known as carnations, have always been admired for their beauty and versatility in gardens and floral arrangements. Among the many varieties available, Dianthus 'Symply Fans' stands out with its unique combination of striking flower colors and intricate patterns.

One of the defining features of this cultivar is its single-flower type, which adds a touch of elegance to any garden. The flowers of Dianthus 'Symply Fans' come in an array of captivating colors ranging from deep reds to sunny yellows. The red-dark red-042A shade adds a sense of passion and drama, while the yellow-light yellow-008C variation brings a cheerful and lively touch to the mix.

With a flower diameter ranging between 4.5 to 5 cm, these blooms possess a moderate size that is perfect for creating eye-catching displays. When these flowers bloom, they form raceme inflorescences, which means that multiple flowers are arranged on a single stalk. This structural arrangement allows for a stunning visual impact and makes Dianthus 'Symply Fans' an excellent choice for both formal and informal settings.

The leaves of this cultivar contribute to its overall appeal as well. The main color of the leaves is a unique green-grey shade that provides a lovely contrast to the vibrant hues of the flowers. This leaf coloration adds depth and interest to the plants even when they are not in bloom, making them an attractive addition to any garden or landscape.

What truly sets Dianthus 'Symply Fans' apart is its flower color distribution. The petals exhibit mesmerizing striations, which are delicate lines or streaks of color that create an alluring pattern. These striations add depth and texture to the flowers, giving them a captivating appearance.

Additionally, the flowers of 'Symply Fans' have marginated edges, meaning that the petal's margins are a different color than the rest of the petal. This creates a subtle contrast that enhances the allure of the blooms.

Furthermore, the flowers are bicolored, meaning they have two distinct colors that create an eye-catching contrast. The combination of these unique characteristics results in a truly mesmerizing display of colors and patterns.

Dianthus 'Symply Fans' is an easy-to-grow plant that thrives in well-drained soil and prefers full sun. Its compact size makes it ideal for containers, borders, or as an accent plant in rock gardens. Whether used in fresh-cut flower arrangements, dried flower crafts, or simply showcased in a garden bed, this cultivar is sure to command attention and add a touch of sophistication wherever it is planted.

In conclusion, Dianthus 'Symply Fans' is a standout carnation variety due to its captivating flower colors, intricate patterns, and unique characteristics. From its single flower type to its raceme inflorescence and green-grey leaves, every aspect of this plant contributes to its overall visual appeal. With its mesmerizing color distribution, striations, marginated edges, and bicolored petals, this carnation cultivar is a must-have for any lover of beautiful and distinctive flowers.

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