Dianthus Oscar Pink Star

Dianthus Oscar Pink Star
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Pink-light blue pink-055D
Flower diameter 4 - 4,5 cm
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Leaf, main color Green grey
Flower color distribution With trace; Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-NN155C; Red-medium red pink-052A

Introducing the Gorgeous Dianthus Oscar Pink Star – The Perfect Carnation!

If you're a passionate flower enthusiast or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of nature, the Dianthus Oscar Pink Star is a must-have addition to your garden. This extraordinary carnation variety is a true delight, with its stunning double (pleniflorous) flowers that boast a captivating pink-light blue color palette.

One of the most striking features of the Dianthus Oscar Pink Star is its perfectly formed flowers, which measure approximately 4 to 4.5 cm in diameter. These impeccably shaped blossoms make for a breathtaking sight, attracting the attention of all who pass by.

Standing at a petite height ranging from 10 to 20 cm, this compact beauty is ideal for small gardens or even as an eye-catching container plant on your balcony or patio. Despite its modest stature, the Dianthus Oscar Pink Star never fails to make a big impression.

Adorned with vibrant green-grey leaves, this variety of carnation complements its delicate flowers elegantly. The combination of the foliage and the lovely blooms creates a visually appealing contrast, enhancing the overall allure of the plant.

One of the distinct features of the Dianthus Oscar Pink Star is the distribution of colors on its flowers. With a charming bicolored pattern, these blossoms showcase a delightful blend of pink and light blue pink shades. The unique coloring gives the Dianthus Oscar Pink Star a sense of character and uniqueness that sets it apart from other varieties.

Moreover, the secondary colors of the flowers add even more charm to this exceptional carnation. Delicate white hues, reminiscent of freshly fallen snow, are scattered across the petals, creating a gentle and ethereal atmosphere. Meanwhile, hints of red-medium red pink add a touch of warmth, infusing the blossoms with a captivating glow.

Whether you're an experienced gardener looking to add a striking variety to your collection or a beginner just starting to explore the world of gardening, the Dianthus Oscar Pink Star is an excellent choice. Its compact size and captivating color combination make it an easy-to-care-for plant that will reward your efforts with an abundance of beauty.

The Dianthus Oscar Pink Star is guaranteed to bring joy and elegance to any garden. Its exquisite double flowers, stunning color distribution, and lovely secondary colors make it an irresistible choice for nature enthusiasts and flower lovers alike. Add a touch of charm to your outdoor space with this remarkable carnation variety, and let the Dianthus Oscar Pink Star take center stage in your garden.

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