Echeveria Ami-Tortuga

Echeveria Ami-Tortuga
Leaf arrangement wreath, in a rosette
Leaf tip Mucronate
Leaf margin Entire
Leaf, general shape Spathulate
Plant height 0 - 5 cm
Structure (tissues) Succulent
Plantdiameter 5 cm - 10 cm
Leaf width 1 - 2 cm
Leaf surface Smooth
Leaf size 3 - 4 cm
Leaf, main color Green-dark green-NN137B
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored

The Echeveria Ami-Tortuga, also known as the Mexican Firecracker, is a stunning succulent plant that boasts unique characteristics. Its leaf arrangement forms a wreath-like pattern, with the leaves arranged in a rosette shape. The leaves have a spathulate shape, with a mucronate tip and entire margins.

The Echeveria Ami-Tortuga is a relatively small plant, reaching a height of only 0-5 cm. Despite its petite size, it has a plant diameter of 5 cm - 10 cm, making it a compact and visually appealing addition to any garden or indoor space.

One of the defining features of this succulent is its succulent tissues, which allow it to store water and survive in arid environments. This makes it a low-maintenance plant that can thrive even with minimal watering.

In terms of leaf attributes, the Echeveria Ami-Tortuga has leaves that are smooth to the touch, with a width ranging from 1-2 cm. The leaves have a general size of 3-4 cm and come in a dark green color, sometimes with hints of NN137B. The leaf color is unicolored, creating a beautiful contrast against the greenery of other plants or the earthy tones of a garden landscape.

Overall, the Echeveria Ami-Tortuga, or Mexican Firecracker, is a visually striking succulent plant that is sure to catch the attention of any plant lover. Its wreath-like leaf arrangement, compact size, and succulent tissues make it a unique addition to any garden or indoor space. Whether placed in a pot, a hanging basket, or a garden bed, this plant is sure to add a touch of elegance and beauty to its surroundings.

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