Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red

Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red
Flower type Single
Leaf margin Dentate; Entire
Flower scent Unscented
Winter hardness Good (USDA-zone 5, 6)
Flower color Red-dark red-N045A
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Plant height 30 - 40 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Flowering month(s) June; July; August
Leaf width 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf surface Rough; Hairy
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Light conditions Sunny; Semi-shades
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Orange-orange red-034B
Moisture requirements Dry; Normal

The Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red is a stunning flower with a variety of attractive features. With its single flower type and dentate or entire leaf margin, this plant is sure to catch the eye of any garden enthusiast. Although it does not have a scent, its striking red-dark red N045A color adds a vibrant and bold touch to any garden.

One of the notable qualities of the Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red is its winter hardness. It can withstand colder temperatures, making it suitable for USDA zones 5 and 6. This means that even in regions with harsh winters, this flower can survive and thrive.

The Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red has a flower diameter of 10-11 cm and a compact plant height of 30-40 cm, making it an excellent choice for smaller garden spaces or containers. Its inflorescence, or head, adds an interesting dimension to the plant's overall appearance.

This variety of Echinacea blooms from June to August, adding color and life to the garden during the summer months. Its leaves have a rough, hairy surface and a size of 10-15 cm, with a dark green main color. This, coupled with the unicolored with trace flower color distribution, creates a visually striking contrast in the garden.

While the main color of the flowers is a captivating red, the Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red also features secondary color(s) in the form of orange-orange red (034B). This combination of colors further enhances the plant's overall appeal.

In terms of light conditions, the Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red prefers sunny to semi-shady areas. This makes it a versatile option for different parts of the garden, as it can thrive in both full sun and partially shaded areas.

In terms of moisture requirements, this Echinacea variety prefers dry to normal conditions. This means that it is not a high-maintenance plant and can withstand periods of drought without losing its beauty.

In conclusion, the Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red is a stunning flower with a variety of attractive features. From its single flower type and dentate or entire leaf margin to its striking red-dark red color and compact height, this plant is sure to make a statement in any garden. Its winter hardness, distinct inflorescence, and prolonged blooming period further enhance its desirability. Whether in sunny or semi-shady areas, the Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red will thrive and bring beauty to any outdoor space.

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