Erica gracilis 'Cinderella'

Erica gracilis 'Cinderella'
Flower scent Sweet scented
Flower color Purple-medium purple-074A
soil pH requirement Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5); Acid (pH < 4,5)
Light conditions Sunny
Moisture requirements Well-drained
Soil type Sandy; Peaty

One of the most enchanting and captivating plants you can add to your garden is Erica gracilis 'Cinderella', also known as Heather, Heath, or Bell Heather. With its sweet scented flowers and stunning purple color, this beauty will surely be the star of your garden.

The flower color of Erica gracilis 'Cinderella' varies from medium purple to a shade of 074A, which enhances its visual appeal and adds a pop of color to any landscape. Whether you have a traditional garden or a modern one, this lovely plant will bring elegance and charm to your outdoor space.

When it comes to soil pH requirements, Erica gracilis 'Cinderella' prefers slightly acidic conditions, ranging from pH 4.5 to 6.5. However, it can also adapt to more acidic conditions, with a pH lower than 4.5. This flexibility makes it a suitable choice for a wide range of garden settings.

In terms of light conditions, this Heather thrives in sunny areas. It requires ample sunlight to grow and bloom to its full potential. So make sure to plant it in a spot where it can receive direct sunlight for several hours each day. This will ensure that it stays healthy and produces abundant blooms.

When it comes to moisture requirements, Erica gracilis 'Cinderella' prefers well-drained soil. It does not do well in waterlogged or overly wet conditions, so make sure the soil is not excessively moist. Adding organic matter or using raised beds can help improve drainage if necessary.

Speaking of soil, this Bell Heather prefers sandy or peaty soil types. Sandy soil provides good drainage, while peaty soil retains moisture well. If you do not have these soil types naturally in your garden, you can amend the soil with sand or organic matter to create the ideal growing conditions for Erica gracilis 'Cinderella'.

Overall, Erica gracilis 'Cinderella' is a stunning plant that will add a touch of beauty and fragrance to your garden. Its sweet scented flowers and medium purple color make it a favorite among garden enthusiasts. By providing it with the right conditions, including slightly acidic soil, full sunlight, and well-drained soil, you can enjoy the splendor of this Heather for years to come. Consider adding this captivating plant to your garden and create a magical outdoor space that will leave everyone enchanted.

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