Eryngium planum Magical White Falls

Eryngium planum Magical White Falls
Leaf margin Serrate
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color White-white-155C
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Inflorescence diameter < 1 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Moisture requirements Well-drained

Eryngium planum Magical White Falls, also known as Sea Holly, is a stunning perennial plant that adds a touch of elegance to any garden or landscape. With its serrated leaf margin, dark green main color, and well-drained moisture requirements, this plant thrives in sunny conditions.

One of the most striking features of Magical White Falls is its inflorescence, which takes the form of small capitulums or heads. The inflorescence diameter is less than 1 cm, making it a delicate and intricate addition to the plant. The flowers themselves are unscented, allowing the eye to focus solely on their beauty.

The flower color of Magical White Falls is a crisp white, categorized as white-white-155C on the color spectrum. The distribution of the color is unicolored, with a trace of another shade visible. This unique combination creates a visually captivating display that is sure to grab attention.

In terms of size, the leaves of Magical White Falls range from 7.5 to 10 cm. This adds a lushness to the plant and further enhances its aesthetic appeal. The dark green color of the leaves serves as a perfect backdrop for the white flowers, creating a striking contrast that is pleasing to the eye.

As mentioned earlier, Magical White Falls thrives in well-drained soil. This means that it is important to ensure proper drainage when planting this sea holly. Providing the right moisture conditions will enable the plant to flourish and maintain its health and beauty for years to come.

Whether used as a border plant, in a flower bed, or as a focal point in a garden, Eryngium planum Magical White Falls is a stunning addition to any landscape. Its unique features, including serrated leaves, delicate white flowers, and preference for sunny, well-drained areas, make it a highly desirable plant for both experienced and novice gardeners alike.

In conclusion, Magical White Falls Sea Holly is a beautiful perennial plant that offers a touch of elegance and visual interest to any garden. Its serrated leaves, unscented white flowers, and preference for well-drained soil make it an easy-to-maintain choice. Consider adding Magical White Falls to your landscape for a stunning and captivating display.

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