Eryngium alpinum 'Key Stone'

Eryngium alpinum 'Key Stone'
Leaf margin Serrate
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Blue-medium violet blue-094C
Flower diameter 2 - 2,5 cm
Flower length/hight 5,5 - 6 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf division Digitate-lobed
Inflorescence diameter 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern With trace; Veined
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Leaf, secondary color(s) Blue-medium violet blue-094C
Moisture requirements Well-drained

Eryngium alpinum 'Key Stone', commonly known as Sea Holly, is a stunning perennial plant that adds a touch of unique beauty to any garden. With its serrate leaf margins and dark green color, this plant stands out among others. The leaves have a digitate-lobed division, giving them a distinctive appearance.

In terms of size, the leaves of Eryngium alpinum 'Key Stone' measure between 7.5 to 10 cm in length. They are veined and have a faint trace of blue-medium violet blue, accentuating their allure. This secondary color complements the main leaf color, creating a mesmerizing pattern.

When it comes to the flowers, Eryngium alpinum 'Key Stone' produces medium-sized blooms with a breathtaking color. The flowers display a captivating shade of blue-medium violet blue-094C, which adds a splash of intense vibrancy to the garden. The unicolored flowers have a diameter ranging from 2 to 2.5 cm and a length of 5.5 to 6 cm, making them a prominent feature in any floral arrangement.

Despite its remarkable appearance, the Sea Holly does not have a pronounced scent. This makes it an ideal choice for people who prefer unscented flowers or are sensitive to strong fragrances.

Eryngium alpinum 'Key Stone' features inflorescences in the form of capitulum heads. These inflorescences have a diameter of 10 to 15 cm, providing a visually striking display. The sizeable inflorescences, combined with the vibrant blue flowers, make this plant a showstopper in any garden bed or border.

To thrive and flourish, Eryngium alpinum 'Key Stone' prefers sunny light conditions. It requires well-drained soil, as excessive moisture can be detrimental to its growth. Therefore, gardeners should ensure that the plant is placed in an area where the soil drains well to prevent root rot and other water-related issues.

Sea Holly is a versatile plant that can be utilized in various garden styles and settings. Its striking foliage and vibrant blue flowers make it an excellent choice for adding color and texture to flower beds, borders, or containers. The unique appearance of Eryngium alpinum 'Key Stone' makes it an eye-catching addition to both formal and cottage gardens.

In conclusion, Eryngium alpinum 'Key Stone' is a remarkable plant with serrate leaves, captivating blue flowers, and inflorescences that are sure to astonish any gardener or nature enthusiast. With its versatile nature and preference for sunny, well-drained conditions, this Sea Holly is a must-have in any garden. Its beauty and resilience make it an excellent choice for both experienced and novice gardeners alike.

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