Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine

Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine
Leaf arrangement spreaded
Flower type Single
Leaf margin Dentate
Flower scent Sweet scented
Winter hardness Reasonable (USDA-zone 7)
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-007A
Soil fertility No special demands
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 2,5 - 3 cm
Plant height 30 - 40 cm; 20 - 30 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Flowering month(s) April; May; June; July; August
Leaf width 1 - 2 cm
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Plant, growth type Erect
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Soil type Humus rich

Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine, commonly known as Wallflower, is a delightful flowering plant that adds a touch of beauty and fragrance to any garden. This article will provide an overview of the various characteristics and requirements of this particular species, making it easier for gardeners to incorporate it into their landscape designs.

One of the first aspects to consider when selecting plants for your garden is their leaf arrangement. Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine has spreaded foliage, which means that the leaves are arranged in a way that spreads out, creating an attractive and lush appearance. The leaves themselves have a lanceolate shape, with dentate margins, giving them an elegant and refined look.

When it comes to the flowers, Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine produces single blooms that are medium yellow in color, with a hint of 007A shade. These beautiful flowers have a sweet scent that adds a pleasant aroma to your garden. The flower diameter ranges from 2.5 to 3 cm, and they are arranged in raceme inflorescences, creating a beautiful display of blossoms.

One of the advantages of Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine is its reasonable winter hardness. This plant can survive in USDA zone 7, meaning it can withstand relatively cold temperatures. This makes it a suitable choice for gardeners looking for a hardy plant that can withstand colder climates.

In terms of size, Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine can reach a height of 30 to 40 cm, with a spread of 20 to 30 cm. This makes it a compact plant that can be easily incorporated into smaller garden spaces or planted in containers. The leaves are 5 to 7.5 cm in size, with a width of 1 to 2 cm, adding to the plant's overall aesthetic appeal.

Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine is not particularly demanding when it comes to soil fertility. It can thrive in humus-rich soil, although it does not require any special soil conditions. This makes it a versatile plant that can adapt to a variety of soil types, making it suitable for different garden environments.

When it comes to the overall appearance and color distribution, Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine has dark green leaves that provide a beautiful backdrop for the vibrant yellow flowers. The flowers are unicolored, meaning they have a consistent color throughout their petals, creating a stunning visual effect.

In terms of flowering months, Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine blooms from April to August, providing a long-lasting burst of color and fragrance to your garden. This extended flowering period ensures that you can enjoy the beauty of this plant for several months, enhancing the overall ambiance of your outdoor space.

In conclusion, Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine, or Wallflower, is a stunning plant that has many desirable characteristics for gardeners. From its attractive leaf arrangement and dentate margins to its sweet scented, medium yellow flowers, this plant adds beauty and fragrance to any garden. With its reasonable winter hardness and versatility in terms of soil fertility, Erysimum Fragrant Sunshine is a great addition to any landscape design. Whether planted in a border, container, or as part of a mixed planting, this plant will surely brighten up your garden and captivate your senses.

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