Ficus benjamina 'Samantha'

Ficus benjamina 'Samantha'
Leaf tip Acuminate
Leaf margin Entire
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Leaf, general shape Elliptic / oval
Plant height 60 - 70 cm
Structure (tissues) Woody
Leaf width 3 - 4 cm
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf division Simple
Plant, growth type Erect
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Multi-colored
Leaf, secondary color(s) Cream; Medium green; Greyish green; Yellow

The Ficus benjamina 'Samantha', also known as the FIG plant, is a stunning addition to any indoor or outdoor garden. With its unique leaf characteristics and beautiful colors, this plant is sure to attract attention.

One of the notable features of the 'Samantha' variety is its leaf tip, which is acuminate. This means that the leaf tapers to a pointed end, adding an elegant touch to the overall appearance of the plant. Additionally, the leaf margin is entire, meaning that it is smooth and uninterrupted.

The foliage leaves of the Ficus benjamina 'Samantha' are another highlight of this plant. The leaves are of a simple type, meaning they are undivided and not compound like some other plants. They have an elliptic or oval shape, which adds a pleasing symmetry to the overall look of the plant. The leaf width ranges from 3 to 4 cm, while the leaf size measures between 5 and 7.5 cm.

In terms of color, the 'Samantha' variety boasts a rich dark green as its main hue. However, what makes this plant truly captivating is its multi-colored leaf pattern. The secondary colors present on the leaves include cream, medium green, greyish green, and yellow. These various hues create a visually stunning display that adds vibrancy and life to any space.

The Ficus benjamina 'Samantha' is a woody plant, meaning it has a strong and sturdy structure. This makes it a long-lasting addition to your garden, ensuring that it will flourish for years to come. In terms of growth type, this plant is classified as erect, meaning it grows vertically and maintains an upright posture.

With its unique leaf characteristics, beautiful colors, and strong structure, the Ficus benjamina 'Samantha' is a fantastic choice for plant enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to add a touch of elegance to your indoor space or enhance the natural beauty of your garden, this variety is sure to impress. Consider adding the 'Samantha' FIG plant to your collection and enjoy the beauty it brings.

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