Gerbera large flowered 'Pop Art'

Gerbera large flowered 'Pop Art'
Flower type Slightly doubled
Flower color Pink-pink-048C
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Flower color distribution Marginate; Unicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-NN155D

Gerbera large flowered 'Pop Art', also known as Transvaal Daisy, is a stunning flower that is sure to add a pop of color to any garden or floral arrangement. With slightly doubled petals, this Gerbera variety is a showstopper.

The flower color of 'Pop Art' is a magnificent pink-pink shade, specifically known as Pink-048C. This vibrant hue is both eye-catching and captivating, making it a popular choice among flower enthusiasts.

Measuring between 10 to 11 centimeters in diameter, the flowers of 'Pop Art' are impressively large. The size of the petals adds to the visual impact of this Gerbera variety, creating a focal point wherever they are placed.

The inflorescence of 'Pop Art' is in the form of a capitulum, commonly referred to as a flower head. This compact arrangement of numerous petals creates a stunning display and allows for easy handling and arranging in a bouquet or vase.

When it comes to the distribution of flower color, 'Pop Art' showcases a marginate pattern. This means that the outer edges of the petals have a slightly different shade compared to the center, creating a gradient effect that adds depth and dimension to the flower.

In terms of color secondary, the 'Pop Art' variety displays white-white, specifically known as NN155D. These secondary color accents add a touch of contrast and enhance the overall beauty of the flowers.

Whether used as a standalone statement piece or as part of a mixed flower arrangement, the Gerbera large flowered 'Pop Art' is sure to leave a lasting impression. Its striking pink-pink petals, large size, and captivating color distribution make it a sought-after choice for both gardeners and florists alike. Adding a touch of elegance and vibrancy to any space, this Transvaal Daisy is a true showstopper.

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