Gerbera Garvinea Glorious Yellow

Gerbera Garvinea Glorious Yellow
Flower type Semi-double; Double (pleniflorous)
Leaf margin Lobed
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow orange-017C
Flower diameter 11 - 12 cm
Plant height 30 - 40 cm; 40 - 50 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Plantdiameter 40 cm - 50 cm
Leaf width 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf size 25 - 30 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Gerbera Garvinea Glorious Yellow, also known as the Transvaal Daisy, is a stunning flower that is sure to catch the eye with its vibrant yellow hue. This particular variety of Gerbera is known for its semi-double to double flower type, with an abundance of petals that give it a pleniflorous appearance.

The Transvaal Daisy has lobed leaf margins, adding an extra touch of visual interest to the plant. The leaves themselves are a dark green color, providing a striking contrast against the bright yellow flowers.

Speaking of the flowers, their color is described as a medium yellow-orange shade, specifically classified as 017C according to the color chart. These flowers have a diameter of 11 to 12 cm, providing a substantial and impactful presence in any garden or floral arrangement.

In terms of size, the Transvaal Daisy typically reaches a height of 30 to 40 cm, though some specimens can grow taller, ranging from 40 to 50 cm. The plant's diameter can span from 40 to 50 cm, providing a full and bushy appearance.

The inflorescence of the Gerbera Garvinea Glorious Yellow is in the form of a capitulum, which is essentially a compact head consisting of numerous individual flowers. This inflorescence adds to the visual appeal of the plant, creating a focal point that draws attention to its vibrant blooms.

The leaves of this Gerbera variety are relatively wide, measuring between 7.5 to 10 cm in width. Their length ranges from 25 to 30 cm, providing ample foliage coverage and contributing to the overall luscious appearance of the plant.

The flower color distribution of the Transvaal Daisy is described as unicolored, meaning that the petals are a consistent yellow-orange shade throughout. This uniformity adds to the visual impact of the flower, creating a bold and captivating display.

Overall, the Gerbera Garvinea Glorious Yellow, or Transvaal Daisy, is a stunning flower variety that is sure to bring a touch of brightness and beauty to any space. With its vibrant yellow color, pleniflorous petals, and full inflorescence, this plant is a true showstopper that will make a statement in any garden or floral arrangement.

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