Gladiolus (Large-flowered Grp) 'Belladonna'

Gladiolus (Large-flowered Grp) 'Belladonna'
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-medium red pink-052A
Flower diameter 9 - 9,5 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) White-white-155A; Red-medium red pink-053D

Gladiolus 'Belladonna', also known as Sword Lily, is a stunning flower that belongs to the Large-flowered Group. This remarkable plant features vibrant red-medium red pink petals in a single flower with a diameter ranging from 9 to 9.5 cm. The color distribution of this gladiolus is unicolored, giving it a bold and captivating appearance.

One of the unique characteristics of Gladiolus 'Belladonna' is the presence of secondary colors in its flowers. Alongside the prominent red-medium red pink hue, you may also notice hints of white-white and red-medium red pink. These secondary colors add depth and complexity to the overall visual appeal of the flower.

The Sword Lily is widely appreciated for its striking beauty and versatility. It serves as an excellent choice for gardeners and flower enthusiasts who seek to create vibrant and eye-catching floral displays. Whether planted in gardens, borders, or containers, Gladiolus 'Belladonna' never fails to make a statement.

In terms of care, Gladiolus 'Belladonna' prefers well-drained soil and full sun exposure. It thrives in warm climates and requires regular watering to maintain its growth and health. This gladiolus variety is known for its robustness and can tolerate various soil conditions, making it a suitable choice for both novice and experienced gardeners.

When it comes to complementing other flowers in bouquets or arrangements, Gladiolus 'Belladonna' adds a touch of elegance and sophistication. Its vibrant red-medium red pink petals beautifully contrast with other colors, creating a visually appealing composition that is sure to capture attention.

Furthermore, the Sword Lily holds symbolic meanings that can add significance to special occasions or events. It is often associated with passion, love, and romance, making it a popular choice for anniversaries, weddings, and other intimate celebrations.

Overall, Gladiolus 'Belladonna' is a captivating flower variety that combines beauty, versatility, and symbolism. Its vibrant red-medium red pink petals, accompanied by secondary colors of white and pink, make it a standout choice for any floral arrangement or garden. Whether enjoyed for its visual appeal or cherished for its symbolic meanings, this Sword Lily is sure to captivate the hearts of all who encounter it.

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