Gladiolus (Large-flowered Grp) 'At Night'

Gladiolus (Large-flowered Grp) 'At Night'
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-dark purple red-046A
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence length 50 - 75 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Pink

Introducing the Gladiolus (Large-flowered Group) 'At Night' - a mesmerizing Sword Lily that is bound to captivate anyone who sets their eyes upon its stunning red-dark purple blooms. With flower petals that measure an impressive 9.5 to 10 centimeters in diameter, this flower truly makes a statement in any garden or floral arrangement.

This particular gladiolus boasts an inflorescence length of 50 to 75 centimeters, allowing the blooms to tower above other flowers in the garden. The 'At Night' variety exhibits a striking color distribution, with unicolored petals that display a beautiful gradient of red to dark purple-red shades. The deep, rich hues of this gladiolus variety add an air of elegance and mystery to any space it inhabits.

Adding an extra touch of charm, this sword lily features secondary colors of delicate pink, which provide a subtle contrast and enhance the visual appeal of the overall flower. The combination of deep reds, dark purples, and soft pinks creates a captivating and harmonious blend that is sure to catch the attention of anyone passing by.

Not only does the Gladiolus 'At Night' make a stunning centerpiece or focal point in a garden, but it also serves as a popular cut flower for floral arrangements. Its long inflorescence length allows it to standout among other flowers when placed in a vase, bringing a touch of drama and sophistication to any room or occasion.

When it comes to care, the Gladiolus 'At Night' prefers a sunny spot in the garden with well-draining soil. It is recommended to plant the corms in early spring, ensuring they are spaced properly to allow for adequate airflow and growth. Regular watering and fertilization will help promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms throughout the summer months.

Whether you are a seasoned gardener looking to add a new showstopper to your collection or a flower enthusiast seeking an exquisite addition to your floral arrangements, the Gladiolus 'At Night' is sure to impress with its bold color palette and delicate pink accents. This sword lily is an enchanting choice that will bring beauty and elegance to any space it graces.

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