Gladiolus (Large-flowered Grp) 'Priscilla'

Gladiolus (Large-flowered Grp) 'Priscilla'
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower type Single
Leaf margin Entire
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Flower color Pink-dark blue pink-067B; Purple-light blue pink-069D; Pink
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Inflorescence Cincinnus
Leaf division Simple
Inflorescence length 40 - 50 cm
Flower color distribution Multi-colored
Flower, secondary color(s) White-light yellow orange-011D

Gladiolus 'Priscilla' is a stunning addition to any garden with its large flowers and vibrant color options. This variety, also known as Sword Lily, is a member of the Large-flowered group, meaning its blooms are bigger and more showy than other gladiolus varieties.

One of the key features of 'Priscilla' is its pointed or acute leaf tips. This adds an elegant touch to the overall appearance of the plant. The leaves themselves are lanceolate in shape, which means they are long and narrow with a tapering point.

The flowers of 'Priscilla' are single in type, meaning they have a single row of petals. The colors of these blooms are absolutely stunning. There are several options to choose from, including pink with dark blue undertones (pink-dark blue pink-067B), purple with light blue undertones (purple-light blue pink-069D), and solid pink. This variety's flowers are truly a feast for the eyes.

The inflorescence of 'Priscilla' is a cincinnus, which is a compact cluster of flowers arranged along a single stem. This cluster can reach a length of 40-50 cm, making it an attractive feature in any floral display. The flowers themselves have a diameter of about 10-11 cm, making them quite large and eye-catching.

In terms of leaf margins, 'Priscilla' has entire margins, meaning they are smooth and without any teeth or lobes. This adds to the sleek and streamlined appearance of the foliage. The leaf division is simple, meaning the leaves are undivided and have a single, uninterrupted shape.

One of the standout features of 'Priscilla' is its multi-colored flower distribution. This means that within each bloom, there are multiple shades and hues of the chosen color. For example, the pink variety may have variations of lighter and darker pinks. This adds depth and visual interest to the overall floral display.

Additionally, 'Priscilla' has secondary colors in its flowers, namely white with light yellow and orange undertones (white-light yellow orange-011D). These secondary colors add contrast and complement the primary color of the flowers, enhancing their overall beauty.

Overall, Gladiolus 'Priscilla' is a magnificent plant that brings elegance and vibrancy to any garden or floral arrangement. With its large, single flowers in stunning color options, it is sure to be a showstopper. The pointed leaf tips, lanceolate leaves, and entire leaf margins add to the plant's visual appeal. Whether planted in mass displays or used as focal points, 'Priscilla' is a true gem in the world of gladiolus varieties.

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