Gypsophila paniculata Alba

Gypsophila paniculata Alba
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower scent Sweet scented
Flower color White-white-NN155D
Flower diameter 1 - 10 mm
Inflorescence Corymb
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Gypsophila paniculata Alba, commonly known as Baby's Breath, is a beautiful flowering plant that adds a touch of elegance to any garden or floral arrangement. With its double, or pleniflorous, flower type and sweet scent, it is a favorite among many garden enthusiasts and florists.

One of the standout features of this plant is its striking white-white-NN155D flower color. The petals are pure white, creating a visually stunning display that can easily catch the eye. These delicate flowers have a diameter ranging from 1 to 10 mm, allowing for intricate and detailed floral arrangements.

The flowers of Gypsophila paniculata Alba are borne in inflorescences called corymbs. A corymb is a flat-topped flower cluster where the outer flowers open first and the inner flowers follow. This arrangement adds depth and dimension to the overall appearance of the plant, creating a visually pleasing spectacle.

One of the advantages of Gypsophila paniculata Alba is its unicolored flower color distribution. This means that the entire flower is a consistent shade of white, with no variations in color. This uniformity allows for easy integration into different color schemes and makes Baby's Breath a versatile choice for various floral arrangements.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Gypsophila paniculata Alba is also known for its longevity as a cut flower. Its beauty can be enjoyed for a prolonged period, making it a popular choice for bouquets and decorations. The sweet scent of the flowers only adds to its charm, creating a sensory experience that is truly delightful.

Whether used in a bridal bouquet, a centerpiece, or as a border plant in the garden, Gypsophila paniculata Alba brings a touch of elegance and grace. Its unique features, from its double flowers to its sweet fragrance, make it a standout favorite among many flower enthusiasts. With its pure white color and unicolored distribution, it is a versatile choice for any floral arrangement. Consider adding Gypsophila paniculata Alba, or Baby's Breath, to your garden or next floral creation to enjoy its beauty and charm.

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