Hebe Hebedonna Britta

Hebe Hebedonna Britta
Winter hardness Not hardy (USDA-zone 9,10,11)
Flower color Blue-dark blue violet-093C
Soil fertility No special demands
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Plant height 20 - 30 cm; 30 - 40 cm
Flower length/hight 1 - 10 mm
Inflorescence Raceme
Flowering month(s) August; September; October
Inflorescence length 5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence diameter 2 - 3 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing Hebe Hebedonna Britta: A Stunning Addition to Your Garden

If you are searching for a striking and vibrant plant to bring some color to your garden, look no further than Hebe Hebedonna Britta. This beautiful flowering perennial is sure to capture your attention with its mesmerizing blue-dark blue violet flowers. Let's take a closer look at this captivating plant and learn more about its features.

Firstly, it's important to note that Hebe Hebedonna Britta is not suited for harsh winter conditions, specifically USDA hardiness zones 9, 10, and 11. Therefore, it is ideal for gardeners living in more temperate climates where frost is not an issue. By understanding this, you can ensure that your plant thrives in its optimal environment.

The flowers of Hebe Hebedonna Britta are a lovely shade of blue-dark blue violet, adding a sense of tranquility and calmness to your garden. They bloom in late summer and continue well into the fall season, providing a burst of color during a time when many other plants begin to fade away.

In terms of soil fertility, Hebe Hebedonna Britta is not demanding. It can thrive in various soil conditions as long as they are well-draining. This adaptability makes it a versatile choice for gardeners who may have different soil types in their landscape.

The lanceolate-shaped leaves of Hebe Hebedonna Britta are a dark green color, providing a striking contrast against the vibrant flowers. These leaves are unicolored, maintaining their lush green appearance throughout the year. They add an element of elegance and structure to the plant, enhancing its overall appeal.

Depending on the conditions it is grown in, Hebe Hebedonna Britta can reach a height of 20-30 cm or 30-40 cm. This compact size makes it perfect for small to medium-sized gardens or for adding pops of color in specific areas of your landscape.

The inflorescence of Hebe Hebedonna Britta is in the form of a raceme, with a length ranging from 5-10 cm. The flowers themselves are relatively small, with a length and height ranging from 1-10 mm. However, despite their size, their impact is undeniable, especially when they are grouped together in clusters.

To maximize the beauty of Hebe Hebedonna Britta in your garden, consider planting it alongside other plants that complement its color palette. You can use it as a border plant, in rock gardens, or even in containers for a stunning display on your patio or balcony.

In conclusion, Hebe Hebedonna Britta is a captivating plant that will undoubtedly add a touch of elegance and vibrancy to your garden. With its mesmerizing blue-dark blue violet flowers, lanceolate leaves, and compact size, it is sure to become a standout feature in any landscape. So why wait? Choose Hebe Hebedonna Britta and enjoy the beauty it brings to your outdoor space throughout late summer and fall.

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