Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi

Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi
Winter hardness Reasonable (USDA-zone 7)
Flower color Pink-dark blue pink-067B
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Flower diameter 1 - 10 mm
Plant height 20 - 30 cm
Flower length/hight 1 - 10 mm
Inflorescence Raceme
Flowering month(s) July; August; September; October; November
Leaf width 2 - 3 cm
Leaf size 4 - 5 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Inflorescence length <5 cm
Inflorescence diameter 2 - 3 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Well-drained
Soil type Humus rich

Introducing the Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi: A Hardy and Beautiful Addition to Your Garden

If you are looking to add a touch of color and elegance to your garden, look no further than the Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi. This particular Hebe variety is known for its winter hardiness and stunning pink flowers, making it a must-have for any garden enthusiast.

The Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi is reasonably winter hardy, thriving in USDA-zone 7. This means that it can withstand colder temperatures and remain healthy throughout the winter months. With its ability to withstand frost and colder climates, this Hebe variety is a reliable addition to any garden.

One of the standout features of the Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi is its captivating flower color. The flowers are a beautiful shade of dark blue-pink, adding a splash of vibrancy to any landscape. The flowers have a diameter ranging from 1mm to 10mm and are borne on elongate racemes. With a flowering period that spans from July to November, this Hebe variety ensures a constant display of blooming flowers throughout the warmer months.

In terms of size, the Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi is a compact plant that reaches a height of 20-30cm. Its leaves are elongate and have a width of 2-3cm, with a size of 4-5cm. The leaves are a dark green color, which beautifully complements the pink flowers. The overall appearance of the plant is elegant and well-proportioned, making it ideal for small gardens or as part of a larger landscape design.

Apart from its stunning appearance, the Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi is also prized for its low maintenance requirements. It thrives in sunny conditions and prefers well-drained soil. As long as the soil is humus-rich and the plant receives adequate sunlight, it will continue to thrive and produce its dazzling display of flowers.

Whether you are an experienced gardener or a beginner, the Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi is an excellent choice for your garden. Its winter hardiness, vibrant pink flowers, and compact size make it a versatile and visually appealing addition to any outdoor space. Consider adding the Hebe Tikitiki Pink Kiwi to your garden this year and watch as it enhances the beauty of your landscape.

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