Helianthus annuus 'Kisima Gold'

Helianthus annuus 'Kisima Gold'
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Leaf margin Serrate
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow orange-017B
Leaf, general shape Triangular; Ovate (egg-shaped)
Flower diameter 10 - 11 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Green-dark brown green-146B
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-dark yellow-014A

Helianthus annuus 'Kisima Gold' is a stunning variety of sunflower that features several distinctive characteristics. With its pointed or acute leaf tips and serrate leaf margins, this sunflower stands out among its counterparts. The leaves have a general triangular or ovate shape, resembling an egg.

One of the most striking features of this sunflower is its double or pleniflorous flower type. The blooms are a beautiful shade of medium yellow-orange, with a touch of dark yellow. The flower color distribution is unicolored with a trace of a secondary color. The flowers, with a diameter of 10-11 cm, are showcased in an inflorescence called the capitulum or head.

The leaves of 'Kisima Gold' measure around 10-15 cm in size and have a rich and dark brownish-green color. These leaves provide a lovely backdrop for the vibrant and eye-catching flowers.

Sunflowers are known for their cheerful and sunny disposition, and 'Kisima Gold' is no exception. This particular variety adds a touch of elegance with its pleniflorous flower type and unique color combination. Its medium yellow-orange blooms with a trace of dark yellow make it a standout in any garden or flower arrangement.

When planting 'Kisima Gold' sunflowers, make sure to provide them with full sun exposure for optimal growth. These sunflowers prefer well-draining soil and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. Regular watering and occasional fertilization will help ensure healthy growth and a bountiful display of flowers.

Whether used as a focal point in a garden, a cut flower for arrangements, or simply as a backdrop for other plants, Helianthus annuus 'Kisima Gold' is sure to add a touch of golden radiance wherever it is planted. With its unique flower type, beautiful color combination, and elegant foliage, this sunflower variety is a true showstopper.

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