Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Starlet

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Starlet
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower type Single
Leaf margin Erose
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-012A
Soil fertility No poor soils
Leaf, general shape Triangular
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Plant height 20 - 30 cm
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Well-drained
Soil type Humus rich

The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Starlet, commonly known as the Rose of China, is a beautiful and elegant flowering plant that can brighten up any garden or outdoor space. With its pointed and acute leaf tips, single flower type, and erose leaf margin, this plant is truly a sight to behold.

The flowers of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Starlet come in a stunning yellow-medium yellow shade, specifically identified as 012A on the color spectrum. This vibrant color adds a pop of brightness to any landscape, making it a perfect choice for those looking to add a burst of color to their gardens.

When it comes to soil fertility, the Rose of China prefers to be planted in well-drained soil and does not thrive in poor soil conditions. It requires moist soil but not overly wet, as it is susceptible to root rot.

In terms of size, the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Starlet grows to a height of 20-30 cm, making it a relatively small plant. The leaves, which have a general triangular shape, measure between 5-7.5 cm in size. The main color of the leaves is a rich, dark green, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall appearance of the plant.

The flowers of the Rose of China have a diameter of 8.5-9 cm, making them a moderate size that is not too overwhelming. The flower color distribution is unicolored, meaning that the entire flower is covered in the same shade of yellow, creating a uniform and visually appealing look.

When it comes to light conditions, the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Starlet thrives in sunny locations. It requires ample sunlight to grow and bloom to its full potential. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the plant is placed in an area where it can receive direct sunlight for most of the day.

In terms of moisture requirements, the Rose of China prefers well-drained soil. It does not do well in waterlogged conditions and can be susceptible to root rot if overwatered. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between providing enough moisture and avoiding excessive watering.

The soil type preferred by the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Starlet is humus-rich soil. This type of soil provides the necessary nutrients for the plant to thrive and ensures healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

Overall, the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Starlet, or Rose of China, is a stunning flowering plant that adds beauty and elegance to any garden or outdoor space. With its yellow-medium yellow flowers, dark green leaves, and compact size, it is a versatile plant that can be used in various landscaping designs. By providing it with the right conditions, such as well-drained soil, ample sunlight, and regular watering, you can enjoy the beauty of this plant for years to come.

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