Hoya 'Sunrise'

Hoya 'Sunrise'
Leaf arrangement opposite
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Entire
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Leaf surface Smooth; Glossy
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Plant, growth type Pendulous
Leaf, main color Green-dark green-NN137C
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored

Hoya 'Sunrise' is a popular and visually striking plant known for its vibrant green leaves and pendulous growth type. This particular cultivar of the Hoya plant family exhibits several characteristic features that make it stand out in any indoor or outdoor setting.

One of the key identifying features of Hoya 'Sunrise' is its leaf arrangement, which is opposite. The leaves of this plant have a pointed or acute tip, imparting a sense of elegance and gracefulness. The leaf margin is entire, meaning it is smooth and does not have any serrations or teeth-like structures.

The overall shape of the leaves is lanceolate, meaning they are long and narrow, tapering towards the tip. This adds to the beauty of the plant, giving it a sleek and slender appearance. The surface of the leaves is smooth and glossy, reflecting light and giving them a shiny, lustrous appearance.

In terms of size, the leaves typically measure between 7.5 to 10 cm, providing ample foliage for the plant. The growth type of Hoya 'Sunrise' is pendulous, meaning it hangs or trails downward, making it an ideal choice for hanging baskets or elevated planters. This growth habit adds a unique dimension to the plant's overall aesthetic, creating a cascading effect.

The main color of the leaves is a lush, dark green. The shade of green is described as NN137C, which signifies a deep and rich hue. This color enhances the plant's visual appeal, giving it a vibrant and vibrant appearance.

One notable feature of Hoya 'Sunrise' is its unicolored leaf pattern. Unlike some other Hoya cultivars that exhibit variegation or patterns on their leaves, Hoya 'Sunrise' maintains a consistent, solid color on its leaves. This unicolored pattern adds simplicity and elegance to the overall look of the plant, making it a versatile choice for various decor styles.

In conclusion, Hoya 'Sunrise' is a stunning wax plant that boasts several distinguishing features. From its opposite leaf arrangement to its lanceolate shape, smooth and glossy surface, and pendulous growth type, this plant is a true visual delight. Its lush, dark green leaves with a unicolored pattern further add to its allure. Whether displayed indoors or outdoors, Hoya 'Sunrise' is sure to captivate and enhance any space with its striking presence.

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