Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Dark Ruby (classic)

Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Dark Ruby (classic)
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-dark purple red-059A
Flower diameter 4 - 4,5 cm
Inflorescence Globose
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence diameter 15 - 20 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace

Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Dark Ruby is a classic variety of hydrangea that showcases stunningly dark ruby-colored flowers. With single-petalled blooms, this hydrangea variety adds an element of sophistication to any garden or outdoor space.

The flowers of Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Dark Ruby are characterized by a rich, red-dark purple hue, which adds a touch of drama and vibrancy to any floral arrangement. With a diameter of 4-4.5 cm, the flowers are of a moderate size, making them accessible and visually appealing.

The inflorescence of the magical Dark Ruby variety is globose, lending a rounded and compact appearance to the overall flower cluster. This gives the hydrangea a neat, tidy look, ideal for both formal gardens and more relaxed, naturalistic settings.

The leaves of Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Dark Ruby are another striking feature of this variety. With a size ranging between 7.5-10 cm, the leaves are large and prominent. The main color of the leaves is a lush, dark green, providing a contrasting backdrop to the vibrant flowers.

The inflorescence diameter of Magical Dark Ruby is between 15-20 cm, making it a substantial and eye-catching centerpiece in any garden. The oversized flower clusters create a dramatic focal point and add depth and visual interest to any landscape.

When it comes to flower color distribution, Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Dark Ruby exhibits a unicolored appearance with traces of lighter red. This subtle incorporation of lighter hues adds complexity and dimension to the overall flower's appearance.

One of the most captivating aspects of Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Dark Ruby is its ability to transform any garden into a romantic, enchanting space. The deep, ruby-red flowers evoke a sense of passion and intensity, making this variety an excellent choice for adding a touch of romance to any outdoor setting.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Dark Ruby also attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies, further contributing to the ecological balance of the garden.

Overall, Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Dark Ruby is a classic hydrangea variety with its elegant single-petalled flowers, rich color, and substantial inflorescence. Whether used as a focal point or as part of a larger planting scheme, this variety is sure to make a statement and add a touch of magic to any garden.

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