Ilex verticillata Ilexia Julia

Ilex verticillata Ilexia Julia
Fruit type Berry
Fruit shape Rounded/globose; Flattened
Fruit color Orange-orange red-030B
Plant height 1,2 - 1,4 m
Fruit size 1 - 10 mm

Ilex verticillata, also known as Ilexia Julia or Holly, is a fascinating plant that belongs to the holly family. One of the most striking features of this plant is its fruit, which is a small, rounded or globose berry that is slightly flattened. The fruit color of Ilex verticillata is a beautiful shade of orange-orange red-030B, adding vibrant hues to any landscape it is planted in.

Growing to a height of 1.2 to 1.4 meters, Ilex verticillata is a relatively compact shrub that can easily be incorporated into gardens, borders, or even containers. Despite its small stature, this plant is sure to make a big impact with its elegant foliage and stunning fruit.

The fruit size of Ilex verticillata ranges from 1 to 10 millimeters, which may seem small, but it adds a delicate charm to the overall appearance of the plant. The small size of the fruit also makes it more appealing to wildlife, attracting birds who relish in the tasty and nutritious berries.

Ilex verticillata is an excellent choice for those looking to add color and interest to their gardens throughout the year. While the plant itself is attractive all year round with its glossy green leaves and compact form, it truly stands out during the winter months when the fruit is in full display. The bright orange-red berries bring a touch of warmth to an otherwise dull winter landscape.

Not only are the fruits of Ilex verticillata visually pleasing, but they also serve an important ecological purpose. The berries are a valuable food source for birds during the colder months when other food options may be scarce. By planting Ilex verticillata in your garden, you are not only beautifying your space but also providing nourishment for wildlife.

In addition to its ornamental and ecological value, Ilex verticillata is also easy to care for. It thrives in a variety of soil types and can tolerate both full sun and partial shade. This versatile plant is also adaptable to various climates, making it a popular choice among gardeners of all levels of experience.

Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a beginner just starting to explore the world of plants, Ilex verticillata is an excellent addition to any garden. Its stunning berries, compact form, and low maintenance requirements make it a versatile and attractive choice. So why not consider adding Ilexia Julia to your garden and enjoy the beauty it brings year-round?

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