Ilex (leaf) x meserveae 'Hecken Star'

Ilex (leaf) x meserveae 'Hecken Star'
Leaf arrangement spreaded
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Dentate
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Leaf, scent Unscented
Leaf width 1 - 2 cm
Leaf surface Smooth; Glossy
Leaf size 4 - 5 cm
Leaf division Simple
Leaf, main color Green-dark green-139A
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored

The Ilex (leaf) x meserveae 'Hecken Star', commonly known as Holly, is a stunning evergreen shrub that adds visual interest to any garden. This particular variety stands out with its unique leaf attributes, making it a popular choice among garden enthusiasts.

One of the notable aspects of the 'Hecken Star' holly is its spreaded leaf arrangement. The leaves are elegantly spaced out on the branches, creating a visually appealing effect. The leaf tips are pointed or acute, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall appearance of the shrub.

The leaf margin of the 'Hecken Star' holly is dentate, featuring small teeth along the edges. This adds texture and intricacy to the leaves, making them visually distinct. The leaves are elongate in shape, further enhancing the overall elegance of the shrub.

While some plants may entice with their fragrant leaves, the 'Hecken Star' holly does not emit any scent. However, it more than compensates for this with its other attractive features. The leaves have a smooth and glossy surface, which gives them a polished appearance that captures the light and adds dimension to the shrub.

In terms of size, the leaves of the 'Hecken Star' holly are relatively small, ranging from 4 to 5 cm in length. Their width is approximately 1 to 2 cm. This compact leaf size contributes to the overall neat and tidy look of the shrub, allowing it to fit seamlessly into various garden designs.

The leaves of the 'Hecken Star' holly are simple, without any notable division. This simplicity adds a sense of elegance and minimalism to the overall foliage. As for color, the main shade of the leaves is a deep and rich green-dark green, specifically classified as 139A in the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) color chart. This dark green hue gives the shrub a timeless and classic appeal.

The leaf color pattern of the 'Hecken Star' holly is unicolored, meaning that the entire leaf surface is covered in the same shade. This uniformity adds a sense of cohesion to the foliage, creating a harmonious and balanced look.

In conclusion, the Ilex (leaf) x meserveae 'Hecken Star' holly is a remarkable shrub that stands out with its spreaded leaf arrangement, pointed tips, dentate margins, elongate shape, and unscented but smooth and glossy surface. Its small size and simple leaves contribute to its overall elegance, while the dark green unicolored foliage adds a timeless beauty to any garden. Consider adding the 'Hecken Star' holly to your garden for a touch of sophistication and visual interest.

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