Lathyrus odoratus (Spencer Grp) 'Parfum Pastel Pink'

Lathyrus odoratus (Spencer Grp) 'Parfum Pastel Pink'
Flower scent Sweet scented
Flower color Purple-light violet-075B
Soil fertility No poor soils
Flower diameter 4,5 - 5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Light conditions Semi-shades; Sunny
Inflorescence length 10 - 15 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Well-drained

Lathyrus odoratus, commonly known as Sweet Pea, is a popular flowering plant that adds beauty and fragrance to any garden. Within the Spencer Group variety, the 'Parfum Pastel Pink' Sweet Pea stands out with its exquisite features and captivating scent.

One of the most striking characteristics of 'Parfum Pastel Pink' is its flower color. The blooms of this variety are a delicate shade of purple-light violet, with a hint of blue undertones. The captivating color adds depth and charm to any garden, and it is sure to be a favorite among flower enthusiasts.

In addition to its stunning color, 'Parfum Pastel Pink' also boasts a delightful fragrance. The flowers emit a sweet scent that can instantly uplift the mood and bring a sense of tranquility to the surrounding area. The combination of its captivating color and intoxicating fragrance makes this Sweet Pea variety truly one-of-a-kind.

When it comes to soil fertility, 'Parfum Pastel Pink' Sweet Pea prefers not to be grown in poor soils. It thrives best in well-drained soil that is rich in nutrients. Providing the plant with fertile soil will promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms, ensuring the best possible display of its striking flower color.

With regards to light conditions, 'Parfum Pastel Pink' Sweet Pea can tolerate both semi-shaded and sunny areas. It is a versatile plant that can adapt to different light conditions, making it suitable for various garden settings. However, providing it with a balance of sunlight and shade will result in optimal growth and flower production.

The inflorescence of this Sweet Pea variety is in the form of a raceme, where the flowers are arranged in a long, slender cluster. The inflorescence length can reach up to 10-15 cm, providing a stunning visual display of the beautiful blooms. Additionally, the flowers are unicolored, meaning they are consistently colored throughout, enhancing their elegance and simplicity.

To ensure the well-being of 'Parfum Pastel Pink' Sweet Pea, it is crucial to provide it with adequate moisture. Well-drained soil is essential as the plant does not thrive in waterlogged conditions. Regular watering, especially during dry periods, will help maintain the plant's health and promote continuous blooming.

Overall, 'Parfum Pastel Pink' Sweet Pea is a charming and fragrant addition to any garden. Its alluring flower color, delightful scent, and adaptable nature make it a popular choice among flower lovers. By providing the ideal growing conditions, such as fertile soil and proper moisture, this Sweet Pea variety will reward gardeners with a stunning display of delicate, pastel pink blooms.

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